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[Verizon] Android lovers help me first time user

I agree. You do make it seem like its super dangerous. Like I said in my post. There are risks to rooting like POSSIBLY brick your phone, but I've yet to see a case where someone hasn't been able to unbrick their phone. That's why I said very hard, not impossible. OP, do what you'd like, if you want to customize your phone even more than you can now, root. If your content with it. Then leave it stock.
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Rushing someone isn't the answer regardless of the unlock able Gnexus they're confused I mean to help and guide someone,at the worst of times. Not tell them they sent good money and were wrong,in fact we're right rooting or flashing isn't rough. If your encumbered just post I don't want to lead you astray from your true goal. Just keeping it real posting sh*t happens."
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WHY is it so serious? You make it sound like it is so dangerous LOL

Stop being trollish. It's "dangerous" only in the sense that you can brick your phone. "Brick" means ruin it. Make it inoperative.

What part of that do you not understand? If you don't know what you're doing, you can permanently ruin your phone. You've already said you don't what you're doing, so the risk is that you can ruin your phone.

You asked the question but don't seem interested in the answer.
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Stop being trollish. It's "dangerous" only in the sense that you can brick your phone. "Brick" means ruin it. Make it inoperative.

What part of that do you not understand? If you don't know what you're doing, you can permanently ruin your phone. You've already said you don't what you're doing, so the risk is that you can ruin your phone.

You asked the question but don't seem interested in the answer.

not trolling, just trying to understand. Thanks.
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