Extreme Android User
I'm thinking of trying out AOKP, and had a couple of questions:
- do I need to wipe battery stats prior to install?
- if I do, does this mean I need to go through 1-2 full charge/discharge cycles to calibrate the battery?
- Are there any known showstopper bugs in AOKP (M3) for the LTE Nexus (toro)? Like a core functionality plain doesn't work or causes lockups, etc?
- What's the best power-optimized kernel to run with AOKP? Does anyone use SetCPU with it or just let the stock AOKP kernel do its thing?
I'll add to BB's, it's a very stable ROM, but the only way to see how it flies, as you well know, is to try it.
There are several good kernels out. Again it will be up to you to test and see for your usage scenario. I'd start with the stock kernel AOKP comes with and run it stock for 2 days see what you think. If you come back begging for more, then Lean or Franco are excellent options.
I do use setCPU with the custom kernels to set min and max freq's, UV, and to select the governor. GL jkc!
Go BB's you got un mil