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[Verizon] [ROM][4.0.4] AOKP ICS B40/M6/Mods (7/8)

Yeh, I know watcha mean and need to lay low myself as I have been inserting foot in mouth lately.


  • lark-1.jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 115
I was about to come post a public service announcement to check your MD5s since mine didn't match.

But then I realized I checked the sums before finish downloading.

So... please download ALL of the ROM before installing. Thanks :)

Too funny. I can't tell you how many times I did this back in the olden days (like 3 years ago...) and wondered why the sizes were always different then what they were supposed to be!
I agree with the distasteful changes...however as far as not being well thought out...no lol I'm pretty sure Google knows exactly what they're doing marketing wise and they've made this change for a very specific reason. New device, new app, new technology, who knows, but I'll bet there's something new soon following.

Love that attitude keep it up! ;)
I reflashed. Back up and running as usual. B27 is sweet btw. I hadn't updated since M1 because things were going so smoothly and I didn't want to mess up a good thing. But after flashing a bunch of different kernels, things were starting to feel buggier. B27 is smooth as silk

Back in biznuss yeah gj!!
Yay M4 is here w/ transparent status bar, new weather updates, day of week in nav bar (seriously people forget the day?....) and more goodies!
Interesting that he says no wipe from 27...so you can go from unstable framework to stable framework but not vice versa? I'm assuming a wipe will still be required from M4 to B28?
Morning all! I re flashed B27 this morning after borking my phone last night. The market isn't updating for me but its ok because it works and that's all I care about. What I want is inverted Gmail and Google Talk - anyone know which of our fine devs has just that? Do any of them? Thanks!
Well now I'm torn - M4 sounds delicious, but I really hate doing a full wipe coming off the Milestones. What's the consensus?
Morning all! I re flashed B27 this morning after borking my phone last night. The market isn't updating for me but its ok because it works and that's all I care about. What I want is inverted Gmail and Google Talk - anyone know which of our fine devs has just that? Do any of them? Thanks!

Start with travp624 @ rootzwiki. The Rootzwiki site has been having issues lately as I was searching links for you moments ago.

I managed to attach inverted Gmail from my stash. It's the inverted Gmail 4.0.4 which works on B27.


When the site eventually decides to let me on I'll flash away!

Yeh, It has been pretty bad latey. Today if you let it attempt to load it will eventually hook. I just loaded the inverted vending and its great.

This gets my B27 done for a nandroid before going to M4. :)
Well now I'm torn - M4 sounds delicious, but I really hate doing a full wipe coming off the Milestones. What's the consensus?

M4 is the best build of aokp I've run. It's smoother and even more polished than before. The status bar transparency takes a performance hit, but I don't use it. Coming from a full wipe, as always ;)
Yeh, It has been pretty bad latey. Today if you let it attempt to load it will eventually hook. I just loaded the inverted vending and its great.

This gets my B27 done for a nandroid before going to M4. :)

I'm loving all the inverted stuffs!! Thanks.
As I had a nandroid anyway, I went through the pre-steps for a full wipe, but didn't bother wiping.

I flashed from b26 to M4, just wiping dalvik and cache and so far so good! I'll report back if I run into any weirdness.

YMMV of course, but for those hesitant to wipe, just nandroid and then do the normal upgrade wipes (cache/dalvik) and see if it works for you. If not, you can always nandroid back. Or do what I did and go through backup process for SMS/apps/nandroid then if it does crap out just do a full wipe, flash M4 and restore stuff (or just go back to your bX build). :)
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