Are you saying that the adjustments don't take? Like, if you change the values for height and width that those adjustments don't register? And are you referring to adjustments made in the LMT Launcher app or adjustments made in pie control settings within the Sourcery ROM? When I make value adjustments and restart the service so that those values are saved, I see the changes.
FWIW, I have been using LMT Launcher for pie controls since it debuted and have had a GNex since launch day. I went through the days when it was a buggy app and have seen its options, customizations and functionality improve over that timespan.
While it may not be usable for you, your comment comes across a bit harsh. The Dev of the app LMT Launcher is a wonderful example of a Dev who cares about his users. He has proven that he is willing and able to take feedback and better his app for his users.
Again, I don't use Sourcery and would have to research to see if its pie controls are an implementation of LMT Launcher or proprietary. But let's not blame Google nor bash Devs.
Sorry that it doesn't fit your needs.
Hope that helps.
uh, no.
my previous posts clearly indicate I tried the adjustments and they didn't make it any better to use. I also don't appreciate you accusing me of 'dev bashing'. please re read my post where I blamed Google for releasing an untested feature.
You really should read ( and understand) people's posts before making ridiculous accusations.
btw, might also want to get your facts straight as well. the Google pie feature is part of the 4.2.2 update, and has also been updated on the galaxy s3 as well. it wasn't created by 'lmt dev', or whoever.