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[Verizon] [rom]jbsourcery v5.4-lte[06/07/13] jb4.2.2 The Final Call

Are you saying that the adjustments don't take? Like, if you change the values for height and width that those adjustments don't register? And are you referring to adjustments made in the LMT Launcher app or adjustments made in pie control settings within the Sourcery ROM? When I make value adjustments and restart the service so that those values are saved, I see the changes.

FWIW, I have been using LMT Launcher for pie controls since it debuted and have had a GNex since launch day. I went through the days when it was a buggy app and have seen its options, customizations and functionality improve over that timespan.

While it may not be usable for you, your comment comes across a bit harsh. The Dev of the app LMT Launcher is a wonderful example of a Dev who cares about his users. He has proven that he is willing and able to take feedback and better his app for his users.

Again, I don't use Sourcery and would have to research to see if its pie controls are an implementation of LMT Launcher or proprietary. But let's not blame Google nor bash Devs.

Sorry that it doesn't fit your needs.

Hope that helps.


uh, no.

my previous posts clearly indicate I tried the adjustments and they didn't make it any better to use. I also don't appreciate you accusing me of 'dev bashing'. please re read my post where I blamed Google for releasing an untested feature.

You really should read ( and understand) people's posts before making ridiculous accusations.

btw, might also want to get your facts straight as well. the Google pie feature is part of the 4.2.2 update, and has also been updated on the galaxy s3 as well. it wasn't created by 'lmt dev', or whoever. ;)
Okay, just making sure I'm doing the right thing here because I'm in uncharted territory:

I extracted the two files from the zip on my SD card, ready to copy and paste. Do I put BOTH in the system/app folder, or just the apk? What to do with the ODEX file?

Step by step would be great (we have a lot of lurkers who undoubtedly want to do this). Thanks!
uh, no.

my previous posts clearly indicate I tried the adjustments and they didn't make it any better to use. I also don't appreciate you accusing me of 'dev bashing'. please re read my post where I blamed Google for releasing an untested feature.

You really should read ( and understand) people's posts before making ridiculous accusations.

btw, might also want to get your facts straight as well. the Google pie feature has been updated on the galaxyy s3 as well by Google with the 4.2.2 update. it wasn't created by lmt dev, or whoever. ;)

Okay brother...let me be more clear...

You blamed Google for not testing/debugging pie controls before releasing it. Yet, Google's only implementation of pie control (a potentially buggy 'Labs' option) in Android is found within the AOSP browser, which you've stated is well implemented. You stated this in your first retort as an FYI.


Pie controls in Sourcery ROM and in the LMT Launcher app are based upon the code Google used to implement pie controls in the AOSP browser. So when you stated that "pie controls blow" in reference to the ROM you are using, you are inadvertently bashing a Dev. As previously stated, I don't know if the options for pie controls in Sourcery ROM mirror that of LMT Launcher. However, what I do know is that Google neither produced the pie control functionality in Sourcery ROM nor the LMT Launcher app. So again, perhaps, unbeknownst to you, your comment that "pie controls blow" is a knock on Devs, not Google.


The above statements are based purely on facts. I have no opinion here. Noname is the Dev for LMT Launcher (not Google), an app that I've used for over a year for pie controls even before the Sourcery devs smartly and keenly added this feature to their amazing ROM.

Let's move forward as things stand, okay?

Okay, just making sure I'm doing the right thing here because I'm in uncharted territory:

I extracted the two files from the zip on my SD card, ready to copy and paste. Do I put BOTH in the system/app folder, or just the apk? What to do with the ODEX file?

Step by step would be great (we have a lot of lurkers who undoubtedly want to do this). Thanks!

cool. yes, put both the apk and odex in system/app. make sure you backup both your original apk and odex (you might not have an odex, depending on what rom you are on) -- or just do a nandroid.

The odex is an 'optimized dex' file... all apk's have a dex file inside them which is just the java code compiled. This gets extracted into the odex form, which is more easily accessible to the android OS or something like that.

This the the AOSP DeskClock, purely stock, with just the color of the night-mode clock text changed. These are compiled from AOSP source by me, but were specifically compiled for the emulator. I don't know if there is a difference in compiling this app for the emulator as opposed to a phone. I don't think it should matter. If these don't work, let me know, and I will re-compile it specifically for toro (vzw Gnex).

Available clock colors:
blue/green holo color night mode clock attached to this post
red color attached here

Detailed instructions:
1. backup your phone, best to do a nandroid and backup the nandroid on your computer.
2. extract the files (DeskClock.apk and DeskClock.odex) to your sdcard.
3. Use a root browser and go to /system/app.
4. In /system/app you should either have DeskClock.apk only (usually this is the case if you are on a custom rom) or you will have DeskClock.apk and DeskClock.odex (most likely if you are on stock rom).
5. rename your original DeskClock.apk and DeskClock.odex to DeskClock.apk-bak and DeskClock.odex-bak
6. copy the extracted DeskClock.apk and DeskClock.odex from your sdcard to /system/app
7. change their permissions to -rw-r--r-- (I'm not exactly sure if this step is necessary)
8. reboot into recovery and wipe dalvik cache, and possibly cache (this step might be necessary)

This is still a work in progress.

This should be fairly painless as it isn't like editing SystemUI.apk... but you never know what will cause your phone to go bonkers... I take no responsibility for bricked devices... use these files at your own risk! :D

I think that I will eventually try to make the color a settings preference, unless someone beats me to it... it will take me a while as I'm only barely learning to toy with developement, I don't know any java or c++...

I could make a flashable zip too... but be patient with me. I guess if there is interest, I'll work on this and just make a separate post for it.

Edit 2: someone tried the above directions and they did not work, the clock icon disappeared. So I reiterate... try this at your own risk...
just flashed 5.1 and new Gapps. Been stuck on the Sourcery boot screen for about 10 minutes now...How long is to long?

Edit: NM, got impatient and pulled the Battery. It's optimizing the apps now..
I flashed the mms in mods that allows for the dark 'theme' and lost my ability to make things private in the notification bar when a text comes in......is that something that is being worked on?
Detailed instructions:
1. backup your phone, best to do a nandroid and backup the nandroid on your computer.
2. extract the files (DeskClock.apk and DeskClock.odex) to your sdcard.
3. Use a root browser and go to /system/app.
4. In /system/apssup you should either have DeskClock.apk only (usually this is the case if you are on a custom rom) or you will have DeskClock.apk and DeskClock.odex (most likely if you are on stock rom).
5. rename your original DeskClock.apk and DeskClock.odex to DeskClock.apk-bak and DeskClock.odex-bak
6. copy the extracted DeskClock.apk and DeskClock.odex from your sdcard to /system/app
7. change their permissions to -rw-r--r-- (I'm not exactly sure if this step is necessary)

I am having an issue. After following these steps and rebooting the phone, there is no Clock app to select in the app drawer... therefore, no way to use the app! :confused:

So.... what happened and how do we fix it? We seem to be about 90% there!

I am having an issue. After following these steps and rebooting the phone, there is no Clock app to select in the app drawer... therefore, no way to use the app! :confused:

So.... what happened and how do we fix it? We seem to be about 90% there!


hm... I had similar problems with trying to put the 4.2 camera on 4.1.1... took me a fdr to get my icon back.

First thing to try would be wipe dalvik cache, and possibly regular cache. Also could use titanium to wipe out all DeskClock data.

If that doesn't work (assuming you did a nandroid), try a factory data reset. A bit much just to change the clock color though, maybe...

You are on JBS5.1? This clock is from AOSP master branch which is incrementally above 4.2.2 currently, so that could cause some issues... I really have no idea though.
hm... I had similar problems with trying to put the 4.2 camera on 4.1.1... took me a fdr to get my icon back.

First thing to try would be wipe dalvik cache, and possibly regular cache. Also could use titanium to wipe out all DeskClock data.

If that doesn't work (assuming you did a nandroid), try a factory data reset. A bit much just to change the clock color though, maybe...

You are on JBS5.1? This clock is from AOSP master branch which is incrementally above 4.2.2 currently, so that could cause some issues... I really have no idea though.

Wiping the caches and clock data I can do... factory / data reset? Uh, not really interested in THAT for a blue clock. I'm lazy :p

I AM on JBS 5.1 yes.

Then again, I might fdr out of sheer curiosity...
Wiping the caches and clock data I can do... factory / data reset? Uh, not really interested in THAT for a blue clock. I'm lazy :p

I AM on JBS 5.1 yes.

Then again, I might fdr out of sheer curiosity...

Yes indeed... maybe not worth having to FDR... but if you already nandroided, it won't add much time and effort! :p

When I had the icon disappearing problem with the camera, and FDR was the only thing that got it back for me... but I imagine clearing data with the problem app should be enough...

sorry for the hassle! but thanks for trying it out...
Welp, the cache and Dalvik didn't work. Next stop, factory reset I guess :rolleyes:

EDIT: Making a new TiBU backup right now... I can't guarantee that I'll be here to report on progress live, I have an appointment in an hour. But once up & running I'll get on Tapatalk and report results.

EDIT 2: Factory reset has not been successful. STILL no Clock app icon :(

I'm going to nandroid back...
And the work continues :o
Welp, the cache and Dalvik didn't work. Next stop, factory reset I guess :rolleyes:

EDIT: Making a new TiBU backup right now... I can't guarantee that I'll be here to report on progress live, I have an appointment in an hour. But once up & running I'll get on Tapatalk and report results.

EDIT 2: Factory reset has not been successful. STILL no Clock app icon :(

ok then... guess it doesnt work. back to the drawing board... :mad:

does restoring your original deskclock work? :fingerscrossed:

the problem could be almost anything... I'm not really a dev, hope testing my build didn't mess anything up seriously for you...
Eagle, T-Dev, all the others on Team Sourcery:

Is there no way to turn that stupid 4.2 Deskclock blue? Even in night time screen saver mode, that glaring white is really annoying. It's bad enough to have the stupidly thick HOUR and little thin minutes (I have always despised that, can you tell?), but to have it blind me at night too just seals the deal on my loathing it.

In previous builds I just replaced the 4.2 Deskclock with the 4.1 apk in the System/app folder and that works brilliantly. I'm trying desperately to get used to it, though, because I know that the 4.1 apk won't work forever and progress never sleeps.

But is there any way that your team can develop color options for the Deskclock? Or is that a sealed-up, done deal apk that Google doesn't want you tinkering with?
I use app called "Bedside" for clock & some other stuff. You can make the clock any color/brightness you want. Plus custom profiles and shortcuts right on the clock screen.
Bedside! I've been looking for this since the Droid came out in November 2009! Awesome: downloading now...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using SwiftKey Flow
I don't think these are in 5.1 yet, but both were in the 4.x versions...

Ability to turn off mobile data all together via a toggle (I found long pressing on the signal toggle brings you to the mobile data menu, where you can turn it off from there. It'd be nice to do it through a toggle though)

Custom screen brightness settings. This got baked in right before the 5.x versions, IIRC.

As always thanks for your hard work and a superdupertotallyawesome ROM!
Any one else not able to connect to a WiFi network?
I can connect, but I dont get an IP and thus can not get to connected to the Internet via WiFi.
I tried at work and home, at both places my laptop picked up the same wifi I was trying to get with my phone. Im convinced it is the phone.
I use app called "Bedside" for clock & some other stuff. You can make the clock any color/brightness you want. Plus custom profiles and shortcuts right on the clock screen.
Which one? I searched Play and got 5-6 different apps with the word "Bedside" in it.
Any one else not able to connect to a WiFi network?
I can connect, but I dont get an IP and thus can not get to connected to the Internet via WiFi.
I tried at work and home, at both places my laptop picked up the same wifi I was trying to get with my phone. Im convinced it is the phone.

GParadox, I have no issue connecting to wifi...
Just had my first reboot.

Similar to 5.0. Started with my live wall paper being replaced by the JBSourcery blue wall paper. The phone rebooted when I plugged it into the computer intending to transfer some music over to it.

I grabbed a bug report when I saw the wall paper change, if that'll help the devs...
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