1. Good point, but i don't think that would be a big deal, as users know this is a Verizon vs ATT thing. Not a manufacturer thing.
2. Very valid point. Here's my idea behind it. Apple has the iPhone launch every year during the 2nd quarter. They have the iPod launch every 3rd quarter. No launch in the 1st quarter (iPad may be a possibility though). And I do not see Apple doing a "launch" during the 4th quarter.
3. Verizon has us thinking LTE is just around the corner. Now, it is confirmed for several cities, but to actually believe that Verizon's entire 3G spectrum to be intergrated with LTE is a longshot.
4. Read the articles i posted. Thats where this rumor is fueled. (over contracts).
5. Its not a matter of "needing" the device. Its what the consumers want. Thats how you keep up in this industry. Verizon knows this. They even do their very best to compete/compare with the iPhone.
6. He is the CEO. Not the board nor Apple's board. Just saying.
7. I agree. But, its getting closer and closer to actually happening.
8. This is the ONE device that could afford to be launched after the 4th quarter. It would be completely unheard of, but a possibility.
9. True, but so very unlikely. Everyone knows its about Verizon. Not Sprint (or China Mobile).
10. Haha. Fair enough