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Wat r sum good coping methods against apple?


Well-Known Member
I hate apple but whenever i see sumone with a mac or a iphone i get so jealous and depreessed.

Wat coping methods do u guys use? Heres wat i tell myself:

Androids better
Apples overpriced
Iphone can only do half of wat droid does
I cant play my favorite games on mac
I can get a alienware tats twice powerful for price of a macbook pro
Apple is fascist and treats its customers like crap

What else?

But every day i find my self browsing apple site and dreaming of iphone or mac :'(
I hate apple but whenever i see sumone with a mac or a iphone i get so jealous and depreessed.

Wat coping methods do u guys use? Heres wat i tell myself:

Androids better
Apples overpriced
Iphone can only do half of wat droid does
I cant play my favorite games on mac
I can get a alienware tats twice powerful for price of a macbook pro
Apple is fascist and treats its customers like crap

What else?

But every day i find my self browsing apple site and dreaming of iphone or mac :'(

In my opinion there is no reason to cope, it all depends on what you are interested in. There is no reason to take sides, appreciate technology for what it is, and what will work better for you overall. If you are dreaming about something, there has to be a reason behind it, or something attracting you to it.

Every product has it's faults, and benefits. Some just work better for certain people. If I felt the iPhone had features that outweigh the features on an Android phone I would get it. (But in my opinion there is a lot missing that I just couldn't live without.)

So don't force yourself to cope, get what fits your needs.
I hate apple but whenever i see sumone with a mac or a iphone i get so jealous and depreessed.

Wat coping methods do u guys use? Heres wat i tell myself:

Androids better
Apples overpriced
Iphone can only do half of wat droid does
I cant play my favorite games on mac
I can get a alienware tats twice powerful for price of a macbook pro
Apple is fascist and treats its customers like crap

What else?
None of those.

The less you care about material goods, especially what other people have, the happier a life you will lead.
I don't need to cope.

I find Apples products prices and over all lack of quality to be laughable.

I could have just as easily had the iphone 4 over my samsung captivate. I however, don't like iphone and love having the latest up to date os. (So what if I get it from roms? I still get it!)

I have a gaming desktop, who needs a laptop that can only do word and artsy hipster stuff that I can't do even if I had a mac?

If I let myself be jealous of anyone.. I would drive myself crazy. Someone will always have a faster device, more screens, higher resolution, better more stable FPS ect, ect, ect.

I put together a monster rig that could game to the specifications I want and now I'm happy with it. I only have one screen, but I play on that screen to the best of my computers abilities.

I only have a single core hummingbird processor in my phone.. But, who cares? I do admit it doesn't load as quickly as I would like all the time.. but, it runs my calendar apps beautifully which sync automatically with my girlfriends calendar and vice versa.. (something I think you still can't do on iphone or win7 but, could b e mistaken.) Also, when I say it doesn't load as quickly as I like.. I have the same problem with my moms ip4..

For me it is about almost purely cost to performance with whatever luxury I can have added for free.

Who cares about what other people have? I care more about what other people know..what can they teach me about their product vs. mine.. What makes the product worth what it is? And how do I get the most out of whatever I buy?
I hate apple but whenever i see sumone with a mac or a iphone i get so jealous and depreessed.

Wat coping methods do u guys use? Heres wat i tell myself:

Androids better
Apples overpriced
Iphone can only do half of wat droid does
I cant play my favorite games on mac
I can get a alienware tats twice powerful for price of a macbook pro
Apple is fascist and treats its customers like crap

What else?

But every day i find my self browsing apple site and dreaming of iphone or mac :'(

Why not just get an Apple product?
I hate apple but whenever i see sumone with a mac or a iphone i get so jealous and depreessed.

Wat coping methods do u guys use? Heres wat i tell myself:

Androids better
Apples overpriced
Iphone can only do half of wat droid does
I cant play my favorite games on mac
I can get a alienware tats twice powerful for price of a macbook pro
Apple is fascist and treats its customers like crap

What else?

But every day i find my self browsing apple site and dreaming of iphone or mac :'(

Then get a PC for gaming and an iPhone for a phone. You do get a 30 day trial of any device (direct from carriers, at least). Give the iPhone a shot. No sense in being jealous of electronics. And it's not overpriced if you get it subsidized.
Then get a PC for gaming and an iPhone for a phone. You do get a 30 day trial of any device (direct from carriers, at least). Give the iPhone a shot. No sense in being jealous of electronics. And it's not overpriced if you get it subsidized.

Eh, it is still really steep.

"it's over priced" should never be the logical reason you come to and determine not to get a device..

It should not be used as justification or rationalization.

I'm sorry.. someone remind me again why brand name is that important that we are reduced to "coping" to not having a product?

I would have to "cope" if my heroi-... err internet connection were cut off.. If I lost hot water in my house, or had a serious problem.

However not having an apple product isn't an issue of "coping" it is having priorities in order..
Good advice here...i tried iphone 4 oon trial and i hated it sincce my first smartfone was a android...allso the insurance is like 12$ a month...

But ya screw it...no sense bein jelly :-)
Good advice here...i tried iphone 4 oon trial and i hated it sincce my first smartfone was a android...allso the insurance is like 12$ a month...

But ya screw it...no sense bein jelly :-)

yeah. don't be jealous of a product you hate :)
The best way to "cope" is to actually buy the product and try it out. You may find that you greatly prefer it and switch to it or you may find that it really wasn't what you dreamed of it to be (after the honeymoon period).

Now if you're not able to afford it, then that's a different issue.
I hate apple but whenever i see sumone with a mac or a iphone i get so jealous and depreessed.

Wat coping methods do u guys use? Heres wat i tell myself:

Androids better
Apples overpriced
Iphone can only do half of wat droid does
I cant play my favorite games on mac
I can get a alienware tats twice powerful for price of a macbook pro
Apple is fascist and treats its customers like crap

What else?

But every day i find my self browsing apple site and dreaming of iphone or mac :'(

You have an google product and should be proud of your platform. Dreaming about apple products is bad for your health. Be proud of all the nifty little things your able to do with your phone. Not all the things apple is lacking. Notice the site your on, it's called phandroid not phanapple(hah ok cheesy I know.) the crying about apple is beginning to make you look envious of them. The wonderful minds at google are giving it their best to keep you impressed with these oh most advanced products. I am proud of my esteem!!!!!!... Aaaaaaaaaand seen!
Good advice here...i tried iphone 4 oon trial and i hated it sincce my first smartfone was a android...allso the insurance is like 12$ a month...

But ya screw it...no sense bein jelly :-)

You tried the i4 and you didn't like it. So why are you trying to cope without it if you know you don't like it?
I shook my head in sadness for you when I read this thread. It sounds like you are envious of the status symbol you seem to attach to Apple products, not the products themselves. Do you see others with status symbols like iPhones and BMWs as somehow above you? I really hope you have someone to talk to, maybe a good therapist. Also remember, hate is not a constructive emotion. You are not hurting Apple or the rich with resentment; you are only hurting yourself.
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Hating I think can be healthy. Jealousy, not so much. Jealousy will eat you up and spit you out. You can hate on something without being jealous and it is simply a vent for negative emotions and nothing more. When you boo a player on another team, you're basically hating on him and it's fairly harmless. When you become obsessed with that player or team and become consumed with your hatred of them, then it becomes a problem. There's a line there.
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