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Ok, I have cleared those for you. Sorry for the trouble and how long it took!

Thanks! Hey I'm not sure if its a side effect, but now when I click on "forums", "home" or "androidforums", instead of going to the main site overview, I get this:

I'm not sure if using mobile Chrome is part of the issue? Also when you edit a post, there's an overlay with optons to edit or report which impedes the editing effort. So you have to press edit a second time to clear that out. Seems like a glitch.
That's what the home page is now, as far as I am aware. To get to what is (more or less) the previous homepage, you need to open the menu, using the three lined button on the left, and click on "Browse More".

View attachment 116580

Oh my that's highly unfortunate. Thanks my friend for the method however. :)

(no longer addressing @Xyro but rather speaking generally)...

Certainly would be nice to have a clickable forum tree on all pages beginning with Home > XXX > XXX.

I'm as big a fan of blazing trails as the next guy but yikes, it has to be usable by the masses. It feels like there's too many hidden caverns and secret passageways here. Which is cool overall, but I'm thinking a one click solution to get back home (or whatever you want to call the page that links all things) is a bit on the vital side.
I dig that you guys are trying to freshen up the look of the website but why did you guys throw out the layout of the forums?! I feel lost without the organized sections for "root" and "general" talk and such.
Also the page for LG Volt seems to be missing a TON of the actual threads for the LG Volt, what happened there?

The current page for the LG Volt isn't really the LG Volt, it's the LG F90 which is the GSM version of the Volt with slightly different specs. They (accidently I suppose) deleted the real LG Volt forum in it's ENTIRETY.
To clarify for the admins, the LG LS740 Volt was at http://androidforums.com/forums/lg-volt.2749/ or http://androidforums.com/devices/lg-volt.2766/

The LG AS876 F90 is at http://androidforums.com/devices/lg-volt.2120/ , is improperly named, and does not represent the community that shares info on and supports the LG Volt.

I kindly ask that the previous Volt 2766 forum be restored and the 2120 forum be renamed to F90 so that we can retain the vibrant LG Volt community and not introduce confusion for users of either phone. Granted, the F90 forum hasn't seen use for some time, but I don't want to give any impression that the Volt ROMs that we have are designed for the F90. Thank you.
17. Correction

17.1 Correction ... on the page ...
... delete the first entry in the list ...
... the correct entry already exists.

17.2 When listing a default title under an avatar ...
Change Guides to Guide
... as was done on the previous site months ago

17.3 When member details are displayed ...
Provide an option to clear Current Status
(I diddled with it for a looooooooong time to something that would come close)
today I wee that mine was reset to (none) and I have no idea how
... this was added in the old system months ago

18. Improvement

18.1 Improvement ... on the page ...
... allow me to set the order that the favorites are displayed in.

18.2 Improvement ... on the page ...
... if a thread in a multi-area forum is listed (like Android Devices)
... list the area (like Motorola Droid Turbo 2)
... as is done on the page ...

18.3 Improvement ... on all pages ...
Default the display of the left panel to be OFF
you then must press the three bars in the title area to display it

18.4 Improvement ... trophy points...
Instead of listing Trophy Points under an avatar ...
List number of posts and number of likes

18.5 Improvement ... square avatar...
I find round avatars to be 'second class".
I always use square avatars when they are available.
I hope the avatars are made square in the future or there be an option to make them square.

19. Enhancement

19.1 Enhancement ... turn on new post ...
In the past I had a pinned thread that was updated every time an update was made to a phone.
This was done by editing an existing post with the new information.
There was no way to broadcast that the post had been updated so I entered a new post to do it.
It would be great if I could manually turn on the "new post" for an existing post for this opurpose.

... Thom
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To clarify for the admins, the LG LS740 Volt was at http://androidforums.com/forums/lg-volt.2749/ or http://androidforums.com/devices/lg-volt.2766/

The LG AS876 F90 is at http://androidforums.com/devices/lg-volt.2120/ , is improperly named, and does not represent the community that shares info on and supports the LG Volt.

I kindly ask that the previous Volt 2766 forum be restored and the 2120 forum be renamed to F90 so that we can retain the vibrant LG Volt community and not introduce confusion for users of either phone. Granted, the F90 forum hasn't seen use for some time, but I don't want to give any impression that the Volt ROMs that we have are designed for the F90. Thank you.

Ok, thank you for clearing this up. I see the mess we have going and unsure how easily we can fix this. So, I've renamed the forum. If I created a new, empty volt forum, would it be difficult, do you think, to identify and move all threads needed to it?

You say its not had use for some time so, could we just move out newer threads?
17. Correction

17.1 Correction ... on the page ...
... delete the first entry in the list ...
... the correct entry already exists.

17.2 When listing a default title under an avatar ...
Change Guides to Guide
... as was done on the previous site months ago

17.3 When member details are displayed ...
Provide an option to clear Current Status
(I diddled with it for a looooooooong time to something that would come close)
today I wee that mine was reset to (none) and I have no idea how
... this was added in the old system months ago

18. Improvement

18.1 Improvement ... on the page ...
... allow me to set the order that the favorites are displayed in.

18.2 Improvement ... on the page ...
... if a thread in a multi-area forum is listed (like Android Devices)
... list the area (like Motorola Droid Turbo 2)
... as is done on the page ...

18.3 Improvement ... on all pages ...
Default the display of the left panel to be OFF
you then must press the three bars in the title area to display it

18.4 Improvement ... trophy points...
Instead of listing Trophy Points under an avatar ...
List number of posts and number of likes

18.5 Improvement ... square avatar...
I find round avatars to be 'second class".
I always use square avatars when they are available.
I hope the avatars are made square in the future or there be an option to make them square.

19. Enhancement

19.1 Enhancement ... turn on new post ...
In the past I had a pinned thread that was updated every time an update was made to a phone.
This was done by editing an existing post with the new information.
There was no way to broadcast that the post had been updated so I entered a new post to do it.
It would be great if I could manually turn on the "new post" for an existing post for this opurpose.

... Thom

17.1 - Done, thanks!
17.2 - Done, thanks!
17.3 - This is on my to do list for next round
18.1 - I like this idea, added to list to discuss with Rob.
18.2 - *See below
18.3 - This is set due to IE bug with buttons not showing
18.4 - This is on my list of things to discuss with Rob.
18.5 - This is on my list of things to discuss with Rob.
19.1 - *See below

* - Not sure I follow and didn't think to hard on it. I have a lot of suggestions in to talk with Rob about that are related to these sorts of things so, let me get through this round of updates then I am going to start a second thread, close this one, and invite all new (or repeat of unaddressed) feedback.

It's a lot to keep track of, appreciate understanding. :)
That is very good news. I know your plate is filled. I wanted to get some ideas on your list.


I follow all the Motorola Droid and Motorola Moto areas. There was no way initially to request the new posts from anything other than Android Devices. When I do this it captures them all but the area they were posted in is not indicated.

I have some areas in Android Devices now marked as Favorites but do not know if they are being horned yet.

In this new posts listing it would be very convenient to know what forum or area the post was done in.


In the Motorola Droid Turbo 2 stickie ...
... all I want to do is to updated post 1 each time a new version is released.

The only way I can make it show up as having changed is to add a post to the thread. That being the case I make that post reference something and add it.

It would be great if I could just make the change to post 1 and throw a switch to say the thread has changed.

... Thom
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Hi IBT, I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to the bottom navigation bar and click the little Space Invaders icon on the right end.
View attachment 116598

That should bring up this dialog.
View attachment 116599

Yes that does get the job done. I think what's not jiving with me is that when clicking on the Forums tab, it doesn't go to android forums.com/forums. So I press on the favorites button, or I press on the Forums tab, and they perform the same action. The redundancy is not necessary or expected by the user.

Also, I have a feeling this whole look was designed with everyone on PC's/laptops. I logged in for the first time on my PC recently and it made more sense with the expanded view one gets from that setup. However, I'm mostly checking in here using mobile Chrome and its rather a different feeling.
That is very good news. I know your plate is filled. I wanted to get some ideas on your list.


I follow all the Motorola Droid and Motorola Moto areas. There was no way initially to request the new posts from anything other than Android Devices. When I do this it captures them all but the area they were posted in is not indicated.

I have some areas in Android Devices now marked as Favorites but do not know if they are being horned yet.

In this new posts listing it would be very convenient to know what forum or area the post was done in.


In the Motorola Droid Turbo 2 stickie ...
... all I want to do is to updated post 1 each time a new version is released.

The only way I can make it show up as having changed is to add a post to the thread. That being the case I make that post reference something and add it.

It would be great if I could just make the change to post 1 and throw a switch to say the thread has changed.

... Thom

@Thom 18.2 - Does sorting the home page threads "most recent" and "favorites" not help?

19.1 Oh I see, yes this has always been something that would be nice to have. You're saying you update the original post and you would like people to know an update has hit - without having to post a new reply to mark it as unread?
Yes that does get the job done. I think what's not jiving with me is that when clicking on the Forums tab, it doesn't go to android forums.com/forums. So I press on the favorites button, or I press on the Forums tab, and they perform the same action. The redundancy is not necessary or expected by the user.

Also, I have a feeling this whole look was designed with everyone on PC's/laptops. I logged in for the first time on my PC recently and it made more sense with the expanded view one gets from that setup. However, I'm mostly checking in here using mobile Chrome and its rather a different feeling.

I changed the "Forums" tab up top to link to 'home' becaues that makes most sense to most people but what struck me was the second paragraph here.

We're going to want to review this because 51% or more of traffic is now mobile.
18.2 may have been overtaken by events

I list new posts in favorites. I was forced to do Android Devices because I could not specify an area in Android Devices. This results in a nightmare of message title to read through.

If I can remove Android Devices as a favorite and have Motorola Droid Turbo 2 as a favorite and be notified when someone posts in it then that is all that I need.

19.1 yes

If you look at post one you will see that it list a lot of the My Phone data as it is reported in each release. When there is a new release I just add a new section there.

A lot of people find this very useful to see what has changed and what has not changed from one release to the next.

This one is not earth shattering. I can just keep adding a post that says ... was released on 2017.01.01 ... see

... Thom
+1 that was going to be my next post. Show both post count and likes. Trophy points are clearly not indicative of anything useful as I noticed within this thread alone that @codesplice and @Slug have oddly low totals there when I know beyond the shadow of a doubt they've helped hundreds/thousands of users here for many years running.

In fact, a show of hands for doing away with the trophy system altogether? Its redundant to likes which are more indicative of usefulness.

Talked to Rob, he would like to renovate the trophy system and improve rather than revert to likes and post count. I do prefer likes and posts myself but willing to give trophy system another shot so, I have added that to our list.
18.2 may have been overtaken by events

I list new posts in favorites. I was forced to do Android Devices because I could not specify an area in Android Devices. This results in a nightmare of message title to read through.

If I can remove Android Devices as a favorite and have Motorola Droid Turbo 2 as a favorite and be notified when someone posts in it then that is all that I need.

19.1 yes

If you look at post one you will see that it list a lot of the My Phone data as it is reported in each release. When there is a new release I just add a new section there.

A lot of people find this very useful to see what has changed and what has not changed from one release to the next.

This one is not earth shattering. I can just keep adding a post that says ... was released on 2017.01.01 ... see

... Thom

18.2 You should already be able to do this. You should be able to add any channel (phone device 'forum') as a favorite and remove Android Devices. From either the + button, or going into a device channel and clicking the Star.

19.1 Yeah, Not sure how best to approach this if we ever do. Remind me when we hit round two.

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