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Root What am I suppossed to do here? Help!

Indrid Cold

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2010
North Texas
Alright...I get an error message in RSD stating "failed flashing process. phone not compatible mult-....something, something.

Anyway, it won't flash...

RSD Lite 4.8
Bootloader 30.04
Android 2.2.1 System Version 2.3.340 Full (VRZ_MB810_2.3.34_1FF_01)

Device Properties:
Technology: N/A
Software Version: N/A
Flex Version: N/A
Boot Version: N/A
DRM Version: N/A

File Properties:
Filename: VRZ_MB810_2.3.34_1FF_01.SBF
Creation Date: 05/18/2011 23:21:29
File Size: 456081917
RAM DL Version: N/A
Bootloader Version: N/A
Platform: 4G OMAP
Hab Type: Signed Production

The phone is connected with what I'm pretty sure are the correct drivers. I used the Motorola Device Driver Installation utility. (Driver Package Version 4.9.0) Any ideas?...
I'm flattered, but there are also others here just as good or better than I am. :)

Also, check the bootloader. If it's 30.04 then you are up to date.

Also, I know of a sbf filename issue with windows 7 64-bit. I don't remember the fix for that. I know you have to change the file name of the sbf, though.
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I am doing an .sbf right now. The current status is "please manually power up this phone." But it's already on. It turned itself on from bootloader as part of the flashing. The progress is executed 100%. But the result states that it is "in processing"

Do I just wait? Am I suppossed to manually turn the phone on and off again? I have heard this takes a long time but it does not appear to be doing anything right now.
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I am doing an .sbf right now. The current status is "please manually power up this phone." But it's already on. It turned itself on from bootloader as part of the flashing. The progress is executed 100%. But the result states that it is "in processing"

Do I just wait? Am I suppossed to manually turn the phone on and off again? I have heard this takes a long time but it does not appear to be doing anything right now.

If you mean the RSD Lite GUI is saying 100%, but still says in processing, if the phone is up and running and looks good, you can close RSD Lite.
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I had to step away for awhile last night and when I came back I saw that you had left. But...

Freaking finally! I successfully flashed it. I did need newer drivers as you mentioned. I thought I had the latest, but I was wrong. That alone did not resolve the issue however. I also needed RSD Lite 4.9.(not 4.8)...

So I flashed Liberty 2.0.1 but it's giving me problems with the market. It won't find all the apps. Some of the more popular ones could not be found. For example, I searched for the official PayPal app and it could not be found! SOME apps that I tried to open via "My apps" in the market would give me an error message stating “item could not be found.”

So I ended up flashing back to stock. I have since gone back to a previous backup through Droid X Bootstraper. I'm not sure where I'm going from here. I may try a different custom ROM later today.

Oh yeah...one other thing. When I flashed back to stock I got into a boot loop! I was freaking out a little. But I calmly when into recovery and wiped the cache partition and then did a wipe data/factory reset. Everything is good for now.

Gotta go for now but will be back later today. Not sure when. Thanks again! Later...
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I had to step away for awhile last night and when I came back I saw that you had left. But...

Freaking finally! I successfully flashed it. I did need newer drivers as you mentioned. I thought I had the latest, but I was wrong. That alone did not resolve the issue however. I also needed RSD Lite 4.9.(not 4.8)...

So I flashed Liberty 2.0.1 but it's giving me problems with the market. It won't find all the apps. Some of the more popular ones could not be found. For example, I searched for the official PayPal app and it could not be found! SOME apps that I tried to open via "My apps" in the market would give me an error message stating
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I had to step away for awhile last night and when I came back I saw that you had left. But...

Freaking finally! I successfully flashed it. I did need newer drivers as you mentioned. I thought I had the latest, but I was wrong. That alone did not resolve the issue however. I also needed RSD Lite 4.9.(not 4.8)...

So I flashed Liberty 2.0.1 but it's giving me problems with the market. It won't find all the apps. Some of the more popular ones could not be found. For example, I searched for the official PayPal app and it could not be found! SOME apps that I tried to open via "My apps" in the market would give me an error message stating
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