The one thing which bugged me a bit with The Last of Us was the AI's. You have to be hidden and quiet or you'll get spotted but sometimes the AI will be stood in the middle of the room talking and will remain unnoticed. In most other games I'd of probably been quite annoyed with that but the rest of the game more than makes up for it. Taking that into consideration I still give the game 9/10. Well worth playing
This exactly. Both parts I bolded.
If someone is with you, and yall are in stealth mode, they can literally run right in front of the AI and wont get noticed. They can hide in plain sight and not get noticed. They can follow you right when the AI is near, run in the open and wont be seen.
It might not be seen as a major flaw to some, but it does take away from the overall atmosphere of the game to me. Its like anything your partner does doesnt give yall away. I do like that you can turn off button prompts, it can make the game even more immersive and harder.
Compare that to Assassins Creed 3 where there are times you have someone with you, and you have to tell them to stay or go when trying to sneak by. I never told someone to go while guards were near, I might just to see what happens.