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what do you want to do before you die{BucketList}


Android Expert
i have a homework assigemnt

100 things/goals to do before you die

things you would want to do but would be fine dying not doing them

what are yours?
well for me it would be reef diving all over the world. i love diving and that would be awesome.

i would also like to be in a shark cage surrounded by great whites. it would be terrifying but soooooo freakin cool to see a great white up close like that. definitely that is in my bucket list.
Invent an immortality potion... :eek: ;)
Time travel device.... ;)

No seriously, I want to travel. I haven't seen very much of the world (or my country for that matter). There are definitely places I want to see.
Travel would be mine as well. I also would like to write my memoirs, because I have had a pretty crazy life, and I think others would find it interesting, I am just worried about how family members might take it.
i think that by the time i go, people will be able to take trips to the moon. i think that would be cool do to when that happens.
1. Drink all of the Jack Daniels on a plane in a single flight
2. Get mugged
3. Visit Australia
4. Try dolphin (the fish not the browser)

There are a few, there are plenty more. I have done a lot in my life already.
1. Drink all of the Jack Daniels on a plane in a single flight
2. Get mugged
3. Visit Australia
4. Try dolphin (the fish not the browser)

There are a few, there are plenty more. I have done a lot in my life already.

Mmmmmm, dolphin :p

I've never even left southern California so I guess travel for me too. Somewhere cool, like Texas :D
For me, it's generally all about food. Lots of restaurants around the country and world I want to eat at. Off the top of my head:
Alinea, Next, French Laundry, Babo, sadly El Bulli has closed :(. List goes on!
Play in the World Series of Poker.
Quit smoking.
Play with my (future) grandkids.
Take my son for his first strip club visit.
Play in the World Series of Poker.


and also, skydive, paraglide visit 50+ places around the world and try local beers, learn to speak several languages, go to Oktoberfest, see the northern lights, kill a zombie, meet Joe Satriani, give a stranger a wad of cash, have kids, start my own business, travel to space, go to Maryland death fest and Graspop, see Kalmah live, and a lot more.
I've led an adventurous life so the normal skydive, scuba, hang gliding, and kite surfing as over.

1. I would like to ride down the Pike's Peak rail in a small cart like they did 100 years ago.

2. I would like to have the first microbrewery in microgravity on an asteroid orbiting the Earth.

3. Cross Antarctica by kite sailing.

4. Sail around the world.

5. Take revenge on my enemies.

6. Remove liberal arts majors from public funding.

7. Remove words like yolo and swag from the vocabulary of idiots.

8. Find some place very remote and live out my existence in silence.
I've never even left southern California so I guess travel for me too. Somewhere cool, like Texas :D

I LOVE southern California, and I miss living in Dallas, TX also. Think bigger, there are so many really cool places around the world. My number one favorite place in the world is Thailand.

Play in the World Series of Poker.
Quit smoking.
Play with my (future) grandkids.
Take my son for his first strip club visit.

-I would also like to play in the WSOP and win a bracelet.

-I just quit smoking last month. Been cigarette free since Aug 20th :D

5. Take revenge on my enemies.

6. Remove liberal arts majors from public funding.

7. Remove words like yolo and swag from the vocabulary of idiots.

5. Great idea, I have a couple
6. That and a few others
7. Not possible, only possible solution would be to remove the idiots
Is it weird that I dont have any real burning desires to do certain things before I die? Does that make me complacent or stuck in my ways?

If it was a case of wanting to visit a place then I'd LOVE to see New York, I do crave that. But really the only thing I'd like to do and I know it will never happen is move my family to US.

I remember now!

There IS actually one or 2 thingies I want to do before I turn into worm food or fertilizer...

I want to conquer EVERRRRRYTHING!

I came.

I saw.

I trolled.

Running the Paris to Dakar rally on a Scott Flying Squirrel or Vincent Black Shadow

Circumnavigating the U.S. of A. on an Indian Chief

Driving across England in a vintage Rolls Royce

Have lunch with Rush Limbaugh

Live in a Maine Lighthouse working as a Keeper for one year

Open a cool little bar in the bottom floor of the Kerrick Block or Trolly Square . . . it's a Utah thing, so ask Mr. Google.
Lots of good stuff here. Also congrates to the non smoker now ;) I quit 3.5 years ago after smoking for 30 years.

Ok my list hmmmm

1. Lina Posada
2. Megan Fox
3. Dana Hamm


5. Become a trillionaire
6. Buy Apple and make it all open source :smokingsomb:
7. Buy Microsoft and make it all open source
8. Make it illegal not to run a Linux desktop

9. Be Popular
10. Make it illegal to kill any kind of frog :D

I'm sure there is more but this is the top ten for now. only one that is not subject to change is number 1. :D and probably number 4:p
1. Lina Posada
2. Megan Fox
3. Dana Hamm

Speaking from experience when you hook up with a celebrity its not even worth it to tell anyone unless there is insurmountable proof. Otherwise you get called a liar and it's not even worth telling the story.
Speaking from experience when you hook up with a celebrity its not even worth it to tell anyone unless there is insurmountable proof. Otherwise you get called a liar and it's not even worth telling the story.

Not true. I remember when I was married to Phyllis Diller. Nobody doubted me one darn bit. We had to tell people before TMZ outed us.
Yes, but it's not illegal to do. I'm a secret nudist; anytime my coworkers reply to all I threaten to send them pics of the nude marathon I did.
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