Well, I think it's hard to say which game is my favourite, but I right now I play Minecraft quite a lot after a long break.
A game I keep comming back too, especially when playing with friends, is Warcraft III. I can't put a number on the countless hours I have spent in that game...
Games I really love:
- The entire MYST series, mostly URU and Riven... So much nostalgia with Riven (and to some extend, MYST and EXILE), I used to play Riven with my parents when I was just a kid (6 years old maybe), probably amongst the first game I ever played
- Terraria, I don't play it a lot anymore, because I find it to be boring alone, and the few of my friends who play it, don't want to play it right now.
- World of Warcraft. So addictive! I love collecting stuff in it
- Red Alert 2, definitely played A LOT of that, when I was younger.
- Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 & 2, same. Played them a lot when I was younger.
- Half Life 2, Half Life 2: Epsidoe 2, pretty damn good. I love Valve.
- Portal & ESPECIALLY Portal 2. Portal was great, but Portal 2 was AMAZING. So epic! So well made. I higly recommend it with all my heart
- Team Fortress 2, I've spent too much time in this game.
- (Wii) Super Mario Galaxy. Pretty damn good. Really good level design. Good job Nintendo.
- (Wii) New Super Mario Bros. Great game to play with 2 friends
2 people is too little, 4 people is too much.
- (Wii) The Legend of Zelda - Twilligt Princess. Favourite Wii game, and favourite Zelda game
Skyward Sword was pretty good too.
- (PS2) Shadow of the Collosus, SO BEAUTIFUL! Yet so simple. You, your horse and 16 giant bosses, in a big open world. Nothing else. Perfect.
- (PS) Spyro 1 & 3, I keep comming back to it, even though I first completed them at age 6 & 8ish, respectively.
- (PS2) Ratchet & Clank 2 & 3, same story as with Spyro.
- I probably forgot some
If I had to say one all time favourite game though, it would probably have to be Portal 2. It's just so good
Second place goes to Minecraft. So damn addictive. Everyone should play it.
Third place probably goes to MYST:URU, I just loved it so much, and I really wish the online version of it would be revived, or that a similar game would be made. I love the fact that it doesn't have to have any action, just exploring worlds and solving puzzles
More games like this!!!