Well-Known Member
I was fortunately able to get one copy of Windows 7 for $10 and 1 month before official release for my notebook. They only allowed one per student though. You should check with your school to see if they have a special discounted price for students. I know my school has some kind of deal with Microsoft and we get a lot of stuff either very cheap or free.
I used to be anal about having two of my pages as close to half the screen as possible, hehe. I would actually spend a decent amount of time reducing the page and then trying to resize it perfectly. It was very annoying.
I've been very lucky to not have any problems with Windows ever since my first XP desktop. VERY lucky. I had 4 problems with Apple's computers. In general, I've been lucky with my tech products... now I cursed myself...
I've checked! I don't get anything discounted at my school really. It stinks.
It seems like all the discounts are waiting for me once I (hopefully) get a job. Even VZW offers teachers a discount on their bill when my university doesn't! Won't people think of the poor graduate students?

Right now I work in an IT department, mainly in their web design area. I'm often working with multiple windows on my large monitor and I too often spend time getting them just right. I still have XP on the work computer, but I've been bugging the higher ups to upgrade my PC to Windows 7 with the excuse that it will improve my workflow. I think once we grab Adobe's CS5 suite they might just upgrade everything at once.