CodeMonkey, your MissedSMS, MissedCall, and MissedSMSandCallClear sound a lot like what I'm trying to do. Would you mind sharing those? Or some insight on the code to make those repeat?
MissedSMS will trigger a single reminder tone of user's choice 5 minutes after receiving a text IF the screen has not been switched on. NB I use the standard Android messaging app - this may not work with others (eg Handcent, etc). Change the %PULSECOUNT variable limits to increase the number of reminders.
MissedCall will trigger a single reminder tone of user's choice 10 minutes after receiving a text IF the screen has not been switched on. Change the %CALLPULSECOUNT variable limits to increase the number of reminders.
MissedSMSandCallClear clears any outstanding reminders when the screen is switched on.
Please note that these aren't perfect, but they seem to work well enough for the moment - I'm sure I'll get round to tweaking them eventually. I believe future planned features for Tasker may include reacting to notifications being cleared, so these profiles may need changing in time..
Here you go - hope they're of some use / inspiration..
Received SMS
Variable %SCREEN Matches off
1. Variable Set %PULSECOUNT To 0
2. Wait 1 Minute
3. Variable Set %bPULSE to ON IF %SCREEN ~ off
4. Variable Set %bPULSE to OFF IF %PULSECOUNT > 1
5. Wait 4 Minutes IF %bPULSE ~ ON
6. Notify Sound <selected MP3> IF %bPULSE ~ ON
7. Vibrate Time 500 IF %bPULSE ~ ON
8. Variable Add %PULSECOUNT Value 1
9. Goto Action 4 IF %bPULSE ~ ON
Missed Call
Missed Call
1. Variable Set %CALLPULSECOUNT to 0
2. Wait 1 Minute
3. Variable Set %bRING to ON IF %SCREEN ~ off
4. Variable Set %bRING to OFF IF %CALLPULSECOUNT > 1
5. Wait 9 Minutes IF %bRING ~ ON
6. Notify Sound <selected MP3> IF %bRING ~ ON
7. Vibrate Time 500 IF %bRING ~ ON
8. Variable Add %CALLPULSECOUNT Value 1
9. Goto Action 4 IF %bRING ~ ON
Display Unlocked
1. Variable Clear %bPULSE
2. Variable Clear %bRING
Just seen that Missed Call event change is planned for next version: http://tasker.dinglisch.net/nextversion.html