I have a similar profile / task to locate phone but can't get it working silently. I use HandCent for SMS and can't get the phone to not display the received message (HandCent) or send the %LOC response without user intervention. In other words, it doesn't work !!
Suggestions anyone ? There is a thread similar to this question on the Tasker forums but as yet, no answers.
So I can look into it - some info may help, did you get rid of your stock messaging app to save the excess space, or is it still in your /system/app folder? This may help us make a round-about-way...
I will have some time tonight/this week, but my first thought to make it work (although not ideal; but would work if your phone was stolen) would be to rename the Handcent.apk to Handcent.apk.bak (basically disabling it), then doing the process... I will see if I can find something better though.
I can make it work the long way [although it will still probably have the handcent pop-up at first] - but you'll need ROOT and to install the Locale Execute plug-in (you don't need the app it links to though). My tests showed this works:
Add these tasks before the rest else (notes at bottom):
+ > Plugin > Execute > edit > "@! su" (no quotes)
+ > Plugin > Execute > edit > "@! mv /data/app/com.handcent.nextsms-1.apk /data/app/com.handcent.nextsms-1.apk.bak"
[this essentially disables handcent, and android messaging will work]
and to re-enable handcent as the last task:
+ > Plugin > Execute > edit > "@! mv /data/app/com.handcent.nextsms-1.apk.bak /data/app/com.handcent.nextsms-1.apk"
This isn't the prettiest option, but it may save your phone if it's stolen!
-the @! keeps locale execute from popping up for user input, you will have to run this once to grant permanent SU permissions so it will work if your phone actually is stolen
-this causes a "force close" box to pop-up for Handcent, but I still got the GPS coordinates back
-you may consider putting the lock in there for the screen so the pop-up isn't forefront(Display > Lock)
Here is the
profile, I left out all the sound settings so you can tailor it to your liking [note: you can do major damage with root privileges (if you're unfamiliar) - make sure you enter things properly!]
*your handcent may save differently on the HTC - check to make sure that's the same install location for the apk for you (so we don't change the settings and all)