Last month I had to repair the outdoor sensor array and a couple of days ago the AC to DC converter that powers the indoor display quit.
I had a couple of security cameras crap out on me over the past year. At first I thought it was because these were technically indoor use devices and I had them mounted outside (protected from the weather, though). I discovered that it was the AC/DC adapters that failed and replacing them with a cheap 5V phone charger got them back up and running. I do think the useable life of these things is really engineered to reflect the mfg. recommended replacement cycle and not an actual usable lifecycle.
In weather related news, our first Nor'easter was snow. Christmas eve the Nor' easter was the kind that pulled up southern air and was warm rain, so the snow is pretty much gone except for a few pile. New Year's Eve will be a repeat of the rain, so it seems. I for one will be out dancing in the rain, celebrating the END OF 2020!!!!