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What's the weather like where you are?

Chilly but nice


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It's nearing fifty degrees here and dead calm. The calm before the storm. Six inches of the white stuff in the forecast starting in the wee hours tonight and continuing through tomorrow.
Ouch. The six inches of snow that was in my forecast missed me for the most part. Just a good dusting and that was enough for me. I hope the same for you.
Mid 20°s overnight, mid 30°s during the day. Typical for December 'round these parts. Sunny all week, except at night. ;)
The last I looked it was 69° here this afternoon. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it got into the low seventies. What a beautiful day with clear skies, warm sunshine, and zero wind. I kept looking for excuses to outside. I don't expect it to last long but it's mighty nice weather for Dec. 9.
I saw just saw this and had to share. This defines New England weather year round.
What we get are the worst of all worlds. The sweet spot of spring lasts an hour and a half, tops. The rest is rain and mud. Half of summer is spent getting our thick blood used to the heat. Followed by the sunburn phase, which lasts about a month. Then it's back to school time. Fall looks good for maybe a weekend. Then the next three weekends are spent cleaning up from it while the sun goes down at 5:00 in the afternoon. And winter is a Chekov play that drags on for half the calendar.

Source (NSFW - Language): https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog...e-wont-live-here-ever-again-youre-an-imbecile
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