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What's the weather like where you are?

Had so much rain here the last few days, I house sat for my siblings, who where just running errands for a bit, so they wanted me to house sit, and wait until the roofer did come through, they did show up a few more hours much later on, they thought it was around like two in the evening, so I just chilled out with the puppy and did my own thing over there and here.. My mind is still proccessing it is spring.
It's hot


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It was nice here over the weekend but windy. Today it is cooler. The temp topped out at 60° and it was mostly cloudy. Rain is in the forecast for the end of the week. The chances are 50/50 at best so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We certainly could use some rain.
The forecast has upped my chances of rain. It's incredibly dry here for spring. We sure could use some moisture. Mid sixties today without wind made for a beautiful day. 50% chance of rain tomorrow and 80% Friday.
My 50% chance of rain today produced a whopping .02 inch. I hope the 80% prediction yields a bit more rain tomorrow. :) It was cooler today and presently it's 49.8° with the barometer at 30.13 and falling. I have my fingers crossed.
Chilly, saw on the news a cold front is moving through the Midwest


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It's been on the cold and dreary side here most all week. However, the forecast looks like spring is actually going to happen after all. 66° today, 74° tomorrow, and 82° Monday according to my phone.
I'm ready for some shorter clothes type of weather.
Yesterday it was very warm here with temps in the low to mid eighties. There was a strong South wind all day and into the wee hours which kept it from being a perfect day to be outside. Today temps are topping off in the mid fifties. Kansas weather is quite predictable. The seasons change daily.
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