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Whats this snapdragon bs?

That's kind of cool. People in forums seldom just come out and say, "go away."

But I think OTD may have been correct in her expressed thought that this saccharin person could be the same individual who was banned several weeks ago under a different user name.

So, "go away," to him or her, apparently translates to, "see you later in another costume."
Fine then. Ill take my knowledge and go elsewhere. Just please dont mislead people. The most important thing to remember before posting ANYTHING is this :

You cant just make things up and pretend they are real

This phrase should be replayed in everyones head before posting anything because misinformation is a huge problem in forums these days.
Fine then. Ill take my knowledge and go elsewhere. Just please dont mislead people. The most important thing to remember before posting ANYTHING is this :

You cant just make things up and pretend they are real

This phrase should be replayed in everyones head before posting anything because misinformation is a huge problem in forums these days.

You probably should have thought about that yourself before posting in this thread:


Too bad you didn't take your own advice.
..Every aspect of the Eris lags compared to the Nexus One ...
My Eris lags compared to my Thinkpad. I just can't carry it in my front *right* pocket as I do my Eris. My Eris costs me zippo, my Thinkpad $1700. So it's really just a matter of preferences, lifestyle and finances among other things.

And it's not your knowledge we abhor or bristle at, it's the attitude that you bring with it. As OTD so brilliantly observes, (like that plug OTD?) so many of your posts are negative toward a phone we are trying to enjoy and make the best use of. Negatives are just that, and nothing helpful. We are here to help others and ourselves. So don't go away mad...
Errrr. Everything I have posted has been factually correct.

Oh really? :rolleyes:
There is only ONE reason the Eris was developed with the hardware it has which was to dump excess obsolete stock of old SOC chips.
Correct. I am in violation.

So you broke an NDA to make a comment about the Eris being used ONLY to "dump excess obsolete chips"? Yet you also stated that you actually had an Eris? Why would you have purchased the phone if you knew all that inside information? Doesn't sound like anything a smart person would do. So you are either a liar or none too bright.

At the same time you also stated that:
Fact of the matter is the Eris cant even run many apps in the market due to poor CPU, the GPS nav software in 2.1 is HORRIDLY slow on the Eris. It so slow its almost unusable and frustrating.
You actually said that in 2 different posts. There are 2 applications (not protected) or parts that the Eris has problems with, as do most other Android phones. Out of the 36,000 something apps in the market, 2 does not equal many. Also Google Nav runs great on my phone and others have stated the same. For me, it actually performs as well as any stand alone GPS unit I have ever used.

The facts of the matter are that you probably had a bad phone, didn't know how to use it or expected way too much from it. No matter, you rid yourself of it. While I can't speak for everyone, my phone runs very well and I do have pretty high expectations. I use it all the time and do a considerable amount with it. I have no trouble with it.
There's always something bigger and better out there. We all fall victim to it. Without that yearning for something better, though, society would be a sucky place to live.

Nevertheless, the Incredible isn't going to be the best. It's all about the EVO 4G. VZW never has the most powerful Android device for more than a month or two. :(

I've been with Verizon about 10 years after a six month battle over double billing and late charges tacked on to my AT&T bill even AFTER they admitted the mistake was theirs. I've noticed that Verizon always lags on phones. It's been explained to me by Verizon that their testing program is more rigorous than other carriers ( I think there is truth to that, but I also think in the past is it takes time to Verizonify the phones...ie. dumb them down and cripple them. With the Android phones they are doing less of the crippling.) By the time a device gets to Verizon it often is not the latest and greatest. I balance that out with the areas I've had exceptional service from Verizon, like customer service and the network. I know others have different experiences, but I've never had a problem unsolved with Verizon. I've had issues, but it's never taken more than one call to fix them.

But you are correct Smacky. I want the Incredible. I want it bad. I'm considering giving the Eris to my daughter so I can get it. BUT...Yeah....BUT....I also know that Verizon should have 4G in my area end of this year, or first of next year, and the Incredible won't be able to take advantage of it. I'm in a quandary. I absolutely love the Eris, but I've been that geek on the cutting edge for too long, it's hard to wait. LOL
my apps run just fine with little to no lag at all....i think you got a lemon
Nope, Google Nav runs so slow on the eris its not even funny. I have tried on multiple Eris units. My cowokrer has the Nexus One and it runs like its supposed to. There are many apps in the market that the Eris simply cant run fast enough. You just dont have them installed.
You sir are FOS. I will take a video of my phone running Google nav perfectly and post it in the next day or so.
Im new to android and also new to smart phones. Two months ago I was given the eris. I updated from an old env2 that I thought I really liked my for the hardware keyboard and ease of quick texting. Now I love my eris and all the new features I didn't have before. ive become very fast at texting with swype, I love web browsing, checking my facebook or gmail, pandora and google maps are also favorite apps of mine. I do love this phone. That being said, i will be upgrading to the incredible when it comes out. Because of the issues that the eris does have. Im sick of doing the airplane trick every time I restart my phone. I make myself believe that doing that will fix my battery life. However my phone still dies in 5-6 hours regardless of the usage. In tied of checking everyday for the ota when the incredible will just come with 2.1.. Im tied of my alarm clock not working half the time. Im very tied of the dialer lag, answer lag, and the fact that half my calls have no sound. I have to reboot and call again in order to hear whoever im calling.. I love my eris and am not trolling or bashing anything. Im just giving my reasons for upgrading. I think a faster processor/more ram will fix a lot of these issues. And having the official 2.1 should fix the others...

Nope, Google Nav runs so slow on the eris its not even funny. I have tried on multiple Eris units. My cowokrer has the Nexus One and it runs like its supposed to. There are many apps in the market that the Eris simply cant run fast enough. You just dont have them installed.

I guess the comment about you actually leaving is just another lie. As was the NDA comment.
Nope, Google Nav runs so slow on the eris its not even funny. I have tried on multiple Eris units. My cowokrer has the Nexus One and it runs like its supposed to. There are many apps in the market that the Eris simply cant run fast enough. You just dont have them installed.

Mine takes maybe 20 seconds to load, and after it's loaded it works great. There is no more delay in it rerouting me than my Garmin. And it alerts me when I need to turn at the right times.
Quit sipping on so much haterade.
Interesting, err... conversation.

I'll just add that I wouldn't yet have a smartphone if not for the Eris. I had been laid off for an entire year (a real slap in the face), and have virtually no money for indulgences. I walked into Verizon and haggled them down to $30, figuring that the $30+/month I'm sending them should suffice.

It's not a screamer of a phone, but I'm fairly patient and willing to work with what I have. I'm very happy with it. I don't miss Google Earth at all, and the zillion useful apps I've found are a real treat to have in my pocket.

I'll look for a snappier phone why my personal economic circumstances improve. Until then, I'm satisfied. Thanks to all the knowledgeable members of this forum that have helped me maximize my use of the phone.
my apps run just fine with little to no lag at all....i think you got a lemon

There are times when just seeing the phone lag can get irritating. It doesn't even have to actually slow you down, but if you see a stutter in the screen transition, it can be frustrating. It's gotten better, but you can feel a phone running more efficiently, like the N1 and its Snapdragon, or any other phone with more RAM than the Eris.

The Droid only has a few more Mhz, but it makes a world of a difference. I have yet to experience one lag at all on me.

And I say this often, it depends on the user "style" of using the phone. You're a tech-savvy guy, or relatively, so I'm sure your usage would be considered above average. I'm sure you do more than make calls and texts. If it works quickly for you, there's no denying that the Eris can run efficiently. But if others are experiencing it, there's gotta be some truth to that too.

Google Maps on my phone, while it is useful, absolutely sucks at turn by turn. I use it in conjunction with my car's nav, just to see how slow and laggy my phone is with it running. It's ridiculous. It won't update location, won't re-route fast enough, etc. And I have great coverage outside of my house.

Not sure how a processor or RAM will fix it, but result will vary.

I've been with Verizon about 10 years after a six month battle over double billing and late charges tacked on to my AT&T bill even AFTER they admitted the mistake was theirs. I've noticed that Verizon always lags on phones. It's been explained to me by Verizon that their testing program is more rigorous than other carriers ( I think there is truth to that, but I also think in the past is it takes time to Verizonify the phones...ie. dumb them down and cripple them. With the Android phones they are doing less of the crippling.) By the time a device gets to Verizon it often is not the latest and greatest. I balance that out with the areas I've had exceptional service from Verizon, like customer service and the network. I know others have different experiences, but I've never had a problem unsolved with Verizon. I've had issues, but it's never taken more than one call to fix them.

But you are correct Smacky. I want the Incredible. I want it bad. I'm considering giving the Eris to my daughter so I can get it. BUT...Yeah....BUT....I also know that Verizon should have 4G in my area end of this year, or first of next year, and the Incredible won't be able to take advantage of it. I'm in a quandary. I absolutely love the Eris, but I've been that geek on the cutting edge for too long, it's hard to wait. LOL

I'm actually trying to pass my contract on to some schmuck and switch. May even switch out of VZW and to AT&T with an N1 but it may be the best for me and my needs. That EVO needs to go to other carriers other than Sprint. I don't like Sprint and don't wanna start something new with them.
I absolutely love my Eris. Ive got 2.1b running flawlessly and swype + dialer1 have solved all lag issues I was having.... but Im still upgrading to the Incredible.

Ive got my NE2 up, so why not? 100 ($200 priced with -$100 online discount) bucks for a bigger, faster version of something I know I love and the knowledge that its going to be supported for a long time (at least years hopefully)

If I didnt have my NE2 though.. Id be perfectly happy staying with my eris.
Guys...do not fall into this trap. If I switch phones, I'm switching providers to Sprint to get the EVO. 4G is the future. Do not get a phone that will hold you back. You could a quad core processor in your next phone, but if it isn't 4G, you will be missing out on a lot of features.

4G/LTE..whatever. 3G is old news. You will be stuck with a phone for two years that will be behind the curve in web speed. And lets face it, we want a quick phone with apps. But when it comes to the internet, it is never fast enough.

The reason I went for the Eris is because it was $50 for me with a rebate and all when it first came out. $200 for the Droid was not worth it. The Incredible..not worth $200 when newer technology is on the horizon. Wait until the holidays. If nothing is mentioned of a phone you like, then bump back to the Incredible, which should be damn cheap by then.

I dunno. I'm rambling. Not to say I'm a know it all, but I feel some people are doing this out of anger with their Eris. Something I was and possibly still may be, guilty of. But we gotta chill and see how it unfolds.
The phrases:

"If they can't get the love they'll take the hate"
"Even negative attention is still attention" spring to mind.

I ran into this often when i moderated the forum the developers ran for a popular mmorpg. Apparently there is a group that gets wet over things like this, the junk food like satisfaction of awaiting replies to their posts & then arguing about it again.

Second in infamy to this group is the dreaded grammar police.

Or is that "ARE the dreaded grammar police"? (Just kidding!)
Nope, Google Nav runs so slow on the eris its not even funny. I have tried on multiple Eris units. My cowokrer has the Nexus One and it runs like its supposed to. There are many apps in the market that the Eris simply cant run fast enough. You just dont have them installed.

Reports such as this make me wonder about the condition of the devices seen running slowly, laggy or anything other than as they should.

Sometimes, lately, after I am through wondering about that, I then begin to wonder about the perceived, ongoing agenda of the person posting those reports.
...Do cars ship bored out to their engine's max? No. And there are reasons for this.

Possibly the worst analogy in the history of the world. lol!!

It's real simple people, the Eris is what it is, and technology in this market is going to constantly leave your current phone in the dust. It's no different than digital cameras. It wasn't too long ago that we were all rocking Razr's and thinking they were amazing. When the Eris and Moto droid first came out, it was pretty clear in every review I read that the Eris hardware was a bit behind, and that the Moto droid was far superior. If you don't like it then by all means spend the money to upgrade when you can.
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