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When can we buy it?

I bought from a German ebay store via ebay.co.uk and since I paid I haven't had a single email from the seller.

I've sent several messages via ebay and direct email, even wrote one in German using google translate and still no response. I've had to open a non-receipt dispute and still no response.

Just a warning to anyone else thinking of doing the same.

BTW, if anyone here speaks German and is willing to help me, then please pm me.
Be cafefull.. The phone price is actually 430 to 480 euros. Anything cheaper is likelty a scam or has a contract attached.

If you paid by credit card, you can just reverse the transaction with your credit card company, so don't worry too much about loosing your money. Its just anoying that you pay, wait, and nothing :(

How long has it been since you paid?
I also bought mine from a seller in Germany on ebay. I paid 349 euros and 18 euros for shipping to the US. I received it 8 days after auction end (ended on a Sunday) not bad.

The only thing they said was included that they did not include was an invoice in case of warranty issue.
Hmm not a bad deal for less than 400 euros all in.
akanbi, that sucks. With that feedback it would be wierd if its an outright scam.. maybe they dont have stock and are trying to delay you. Still I wouldnt wait. Threaten to do a chargeback. No reply in 24 hours and charge it back through your credit card. You'll have the funds back right away, and you can go order from somewhere else.
cool :) you'll love it. If you have another smartphone or with a big TFT screen look at them side by side.. you'll be amazed!!

Also download 'backgrounds' after you get bored of the normal background for a few days. Then you'll be really shocked at how crisp the screen is!

Also if you plan to root it let me know first or you'll posibbly get stuck with the new broken firmware. Take a clean backup then you will be able to choose what you want to do

Yeah, I have had a Samsung D600E (2" TFT) for just under 4 years now, so I think I should wear sunglasses as I start the Galaxy :D

I think I'll try to manage without rooting for the first month or so - just to get familiar with the phone. But it's good to know that there is help avaliable if needed :rolleyes:

I also bought mine from a seller in Germany on ebay. I paid 349 euros and 18 euros for shipping to the US. I received it 8 days after auction end (ended on a Sunday) not bad.

That is quite cheap. Mine was 445
Yeah, I have had a Samsung D600E (2" TFT) for just under 4 years now, so I think I should wear sunglasses as I start the Galaxy :D

Yeah its the first phone were I sometimes think about disabling auto-brightness and turning the birghtness DOWN! Usually on a normal phone the screen isnt bright enough at all
Finally got the i7500 that I bought from German eBay.
Ended up being an issue with the shipping, but I would have found that out much sooner had the seller replied to any of my emails or just sent me the tracking details when it was posted.

I guess if you're buying from German eBay you've got to use your best judgment and hope you get someone who's good with international orders.

359 euros was the best price when I ordered, but there seem to be a few around that price now.
I got mine for 430 euros (400 + 30 shipping) but I found it quite difficult getting one at a low price, as they all don't do international shipping. I wonder if they realise that if they did the international shipping, they'd get boatloads more money?!
Actually it doesnt mattery that much with Li-Ion batteries. It'll charge pretty quick, but you can play with it while its charging otherwise.
Well, it took me 8 hours to loose 80% of battery with constant use, Wifi on all the time, gps for hour or so and loads of apps. I am impressed :)

But really, what a phone! I have tested Nokias, iPhones and others but this feels like the overall winner.

One question though: when I am trying to log in to for example facebook, the browser refreshes when I've put my email to the first field. It wont let me fill both of the fields.

Same thing happens in this forum. Why is this? :confused:
Do you press the enter key on the keyboard? Try pressing the 'back' key on the phone to make the keyboard dissapear, then select the second box (or just scroll to the second box and press it)
Do you press the enter key on the keyboard? Try pressing the 'back' key on the phone to make the keyboard dissapear, then select the second box (or just scroll to the second box and press it)

Oh nice, thanks :rolleyes:

I knew there must be a way...
Ah yes, I've had more than my fair share of being pipped at the last moment in a bid!

That said, it still pains me to know that I've been ripped off :(
My phone finally came in from ES Mobilfunk. 351 Eur for the phone, 35 Eur for shipping, and 22 USD for the wire. They shipped it on the 17th and it arrived on the 31st.

Tip for those shipping things from Europe to the US. DHL is no longer really DHL. In germany, its the Deutsch post, and for shipments to residential addresses in the US, its the USPS. The Deutsch post got it out of the country in less than 24 hours. The USPS had it for 2 weeks, with zero updates to tracking information and no estimated delivery date.
Hmm that's not DHL.. That's 'postal service', known as USPS, Parcel Force, Posten, or EMS around the world.

DHL is like UPS or Fedex, they have their own vans etc. Still DHL insure for that phone probably would have cost you 40 or 50 Euros to the US.
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