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When I was a kid...

....cartoons weren't concerned with being PC if they thought it was worth a laugh (buggs bunny impersonating a Japanese with an overbite and thick glasses come to mind). 'Mammy' on Tom and Jerry spoke with a dialect and no one made a big deal out of it. I think it's tragic that they dubbed over the original actor's voice in the name of being PC. Also, when Popeye smacked psople, they didn't cut away from the contact because they didn't think it would make for a bad influence on young minds, it was just a cartoon for crying out loud.
We watched several Road Runner cartoons last night and they were hilarious: the gratuitous violence that the coyote wrought upon himself is classic. I don't know if they even show those on TV anymore. I know Speedy Gonzalez was put in the vault for being politically incorrect.

Glad I got them on DVD straight from Warner Brothers. We can turn our kids - and eventually THEIR kids - on to a time when cartoons weren't just computer-generated commercials for action figures or something.
My grandmother was one of ten, my mother was one of seven, so I have a huge family. I only knew two people with riding lawnmowers.
We had fuses instead of breakers. Nothing was grounded. Most cords were insulated with cloth. Clothes dried on a line between poles in the back yard. They were attached to the line with clothes pins that you could make lots of neat toys out of if your mom didn't catch ya. Wood flooring was the norm and not a decorator item. A fireplace was to cook beans and to help keep warm. It burned wood and wasn't electric with a remote. Windows had one pane of glass and you could carve neat sculptors in the ice that would form on the inside during the winter months.
Growing vegetables was not a hobby.
Not being Canadian, I can only hope that "Conjunction Junction, What's Your Function?" DOES, in fact, apply up there :)

Yes that does apply and is my favourite song :) I did say MOST songs don't apply, lol. I just looked at the lyrics and it's just the 'America Rock' that doesn't apply. I still like, 'I'm just a bill'. I learnt a lot about the American Constitution from those songs.
Jacks, Pickup Sticks, Annie Annie Over, Kick The Can and Ghost In The Graveyard were the games of choice, most of them played outside both day and night. Yep night, we could go outside and even roam the town without fear. We never kept a single door locked until I was around high school age.

My first video game was Pong followed by an Atari 2600. I raged on Pitfall, my son rages on COD. First computer game played was Oregon Trail on an Apple IIe.

We bought gas and and other items from the station on credit. Paid the bill once a month. As mentioned by another, milk was delivered to the door and placed in those galvanized boxes. When I was very young, my grandfather still churned butter on occasion. My great grandfather was one of the last people I knew to recieve coal deliveries to their home. Truck dropped it in the coal chute into the basement where he shoveled it by hand, and only as needed, into the coal furnace.

Family visiting after church on Sunday was a regular occurance, coffee and cookies were a given. Family reunions were a once or twice a year occasion at minimum. I haven't been to one in decades now.

We carried bb guns and stickbows around the neighborhood and nobody even blinked an eye. My son and his friends recently got in trouble at school for pointing their fingers like guns at each other in a game of "cops and robbers". School officials actually notified me about this as though I would be concerned. I told them we encourage open discussion and use of guns at our house. They didn't know quite how to handle that.

The primary thing that's changed over the course of my life is political correctness. Frankly put, there was no such thing when I was growing up, like zero. You knew right where you stood with a person and he/she didn't mince words. It was so much easier to know what people were thinking. If there is ONE thing I miss more than any other it's the genuine way people spoke to one another. Now it seems like everyone is afraid to be honest for fear of offending somebody. Makes me want to vomit just slightly.
Capture the Flag - day and night versions - was always fun - letting us roam the woods with no supervision. And Blind Man's Bluff. It's amazing more of us didn't break bones!
When I was a kid, the red leather jackets with a hundred zippers like Michael Jackson wore were the coolest thing around. Sadly, my mom wouldn't buy me one, so I guess I wasn't very cool.
When I was a kid, our parents and grandparents (especially the women) used THIS a lot!


Okay folks, who here knows what it is?

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