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When is Jelly Bean 4.1 Coming to the GNex?

Just watched a hand on video on YouTube with jelly bean on the nexus...pretty much blows anything I've ever seen out of the water in terms of speed and fluidity, including an iPhone. Lots of pretty cool new features and little ui tweaks that that really raises the bar for the os. Imo it makes manufacturer skins completely unnecessary at this point, and I'm now seriously considering keeping the nexus instead of jumping ship to the gs3
Just watched a hand on video on YouTube with jelly bean on the nexus...pretty much blows anything I've ever seen out of the water in terms of speed and fluidity, including an iPhone. Lots of pretty cool new features and little ui tweaks that that really raises the bar for the os. Imo it makes manufacturer skins completely unnecessary at this point, and I'm now seriously considering keeping the nexus instead of jumping ship to the gs3

Good thinking! I was battling myself to decide which phone to get this year. I decided Nexus. ICS and now Jelly Bean looks perfect on stock. That's how it should be. Skins ruin the experience and this is the first time I've ever said this. I've already explained this on other blogs....it's Nexus devices from now on.
Have you long pressed the home soft key?

What does it do?


Engadget says long press then swipe up pulls up google now. Is it just a long press, or just just swipe up. Must it be both?

Also, one of the biggest things I miss from my X is long press of the search key for voice actions. So this should fix that, but does it still work for offline access? I mean can I do the long press of home to get voice actions to switch songs or make a call while I'm offline? Not that I intend to ever be offline, but it is annoying to have to wait for the server to determine I want to make a phone call or listen to a song.
What does it do?


Engadget says long press then swipe up pulls up google now. Is it just a long press, or just just swipe up. Must it be both?

Also, one of the biggest things I miss from my X is long press of the search key for voice actions. So this should fix that, but does it still work for offline access? I mean can I do the long press of home to get voice actions to switch songs or make a call while I'm offline? Not that I intend to ever be offline, but it is annoying to have to wait for the server to determine I want to make a phone call or listen to a song.

The voice is so crazy fast, accurate, and pleasant sounding that I giggle each time I use it :)
The voice is so crazy fast, accurate, and pleasant sounding that I giggle each time I use it :)

i bet it is the same new voice that is used in google nav, after the update to Google Maps yesterday i noticed a different very un robotic voice that was used for navigation. It was nice.
Must...resist...temptation...to run stock JB...

I needs my AOKP!!! C'mon Google, push JB to AOSP! I know, a few weeks...but man...
Has anyone with the mid-call muting issue who has installed JB noticed if it is fixed? I'm guessing not, but worth a shot...
Has anyone with the mid-call muting issue who has installed JB noticed if it is fixed? I'm guessing not, but worth a shot...

Wouldn't that be something! I think your guessing not is a good guess but one can hope, right
I really hope that Verizon does right by my CDMA Galaxy Nexus brothers.

The muted call thing is simply unacceptable and they need to get to the bottom of that.
We are about to go into -JULY- and it's not resolved.

What I feel bad about is that I will get Jelly Bean officially in July and it may be December or later that my Verizon brothers get it. :(

It's just .... unacceptable to me and that's why I dumped Verizon.
They are not taking the time to resolve a problem festering since December of last year..... I don't get that...

I hope that these issues are resolved with Jelly Bean!
May I say I hate you all? Just came from rooted Incredible and figured I would go at least a year without rooting my nexus. I want JB..... now can I be patient for a few months?
I can't check for you mid-call mute folks, I have never had the issue, thankfully. But I am in love!

WOW! you just say "Google" without pressing a button to initiate voice search on Google Now. Cool!
I just ordered the unlocked Galaxy Nexus for $349. That is such a good deal. I will be coming from two years with the iPhone 4, and an really looking forward to having the pure google experience with JB. Google really spanked Apple this year with this update. The only things that concern me are the screen and camera are kinda worse than the iPhone. Also going to 16gb storage from 32gb will take some getting used to...

How is the battery life on the GSM Galaxy Nexus?
Yes. Who cares what upgrades they make on the stock keyboard? I'll never use them anyway.

Actually the voice dictation in ICS is awesome, it completes words as you say them vs doing it all at the end (which Swiftkey still does). Jelly Bean should be even better as it won't depend on a data connection. I still use Swiftkey, but the voice dictation improvements of the stock keyboard tug strongly at me.
Apparently its over at xda if you're rooted.

Thinking about using the toolkit tonight and rooting but not sure if I'm ready to wipe and start over!
I'll probably throw this on my phone before I send it back just to play with and see if it fixes the problem (doubtful).
I'll probably throw this on my phone before I send it back just to play with and see if it fixes the problem (doubtful).

Nope... I had a one way audio encounter tonight on JB. Didn't do a factory reset after install and it is only the 3rd OWA I've had in 2 months :confused:

I will say... JB makes the Gnex buttery smooth. I get no lag with the live wallpapers now!!!
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