Was there many different christian religions in the apostle Paul's day? NO, there was only one true christian faith.
That's because "Christianity" as a religion was itself a new offshoot of Judaism at the time.
Go around to a few different churches. Baptist, Catholic, Jehova's Witness, Lutheran, etc... Every one of them will tell you that their version is the one true christian faith, and every one of them will have no end to the passages of the bible that support their claim.
If you truly want to(James 4:7-8)submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil(and he will flee from you),Draw nigh to God(and he will draw nigh to you),then God will reveal himself to you through his Son, and his word .
I'm not trying to be flippant, but let me edit what you said so that you read it the same way I do:
If you truly want to (The Chamber of Secrets, page 329, line 14) submit yourself to Dumbledore. Resist Voldemort (and he will flee from you), Draw nigh to Dumbledore (and he will draw nigh to you), Then Dumbledore will reveal himself through his student Harry Potter, and his word.
The bible is a book full of stories and legends passed down through generations and finally written down, compiled, edited, redacted, and translated. That's all it is to me: stories that ancient man told to explain what they could not. It's not even full of original stories. The story of god sending his son to be man's savior, having 12 disciples, being crucified and resurrected after 3 days isn't even an original story. The Jesus in the bible is roughly take 6 of that plot. Ever wonder why you end prayers with "Amen"? Because that's how you ended payers to the sun god Amun-Ra. The one thing christianity is better at than almost every other religion is taking the observances of another religion and declaring them to be their own...
(which,if you get rid of the false teachings you will see does not contradict it self,man may but the truth doesn't)
So here we have 2 choices: 1) The bible does not contradict itself because it is god's word and god's word is infallible. 2) The bible does contradict itself because it is the writings of men. Since it is self-supporting (the bible is truth because it says it is) any contradictions cast doubt on the entire thing front to back.
- Who was Jesus' grandpa on Joseph's side? Matthew 1:16 says it was Jacob. Luke 3:23 says it was Heli.
- How many animals on the ark? Genesis 7:2 - Seven of every clean beast, two of the unclean. Genesis 7:8-9 - of clean, and of beast that are not clean ... went in two and two
- Punishment for the sins of the father? Isaiah 14:21 - Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers... Deuteronomy 24:16 - ...neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers
- Bats are birds? - Leviticus 11:19
- How did Judas die? Matthew 27:5 - ... went out and hanged himself. Acts 1:18 - ...falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all of his bowels gushed out.
- What were Jesus' last words? Matthew 27:46-50 ... "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"... Jesus when he cried again yielded up the ghost. Luke 23:46 - "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit" and having said thus he gave up the ghost. John 19:30 - he said "It is finished" and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.
I could go on for a while, but you get the point...
The Lord preserveth all those that LOVE him, but all the wicked he will destroy(notice it didn't say he was going to torture the wicked)
The preservation of those that love him and destruction of the wicked is the unprovable promise since nobody comes back from it to tell us about it except in "visions" and dreams.