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Who's getting The Bionic on launch date?

New Rising

Android Enthusiast
I'm planning on getting The Bionic come Thursday. Any else planning on doing that same? Is it a bad idea to get a phone on launch date? I know I've read some people saying they're going to wait to see how it plays out and see what kind of reviews it's get first. I can't wait that long though heh heh.
I'm planning on getting The Bionic come Thursday. Any else planning on doing that same? Is it a bad idea to get a phone on launch date? I know I've read some people saying they're going to wait to see how it plays out and see what kind of reviews it's get first. I can't wait that long though heh heh.

I'll be getting one on launch date as well. I bought the OG Droid on drop day and have been happy since so I don't see much of an issue there.

There will surely be minor issues initially but that's all part of the experience and to be honest, even with minor little annoyances, it'll be WAY better and faster than my D1.
@ Joe
didn't quote this correctly, b/c I didn't want to keep including the image

"Yesterday, I got a $10 off Costco flyer in the mail ... the signs just keep pouring in. :cool:[/QUOTE]"

I am Costco member, but I didn't get a flyer. Can you post a scan. Any money off helps!
I was going to but I had a new store open up on my route that I plan on buying from but the guy at the store told me they were going to have a grand opening on the 14th and was going to have most devices on sale. So I'm thinking of holding off and seeing if bionic will one that is on sale. Worst case I will have to pay full price. But its killing me...I am going from a erirs to the bionic its TIME for a upgrade......
I was going to but I had a new store open up on my route that I plan on buying from but the guy at the store told me they were going to have a grand opening on the 14th and was going to have most devices on sale. So I'm thinking of holding off and seeing if bionic will one that is on sale. Worst case I will have to pay full price. But its killing me...I am going from a erirs to the bionic its TIME for a upgrade......

you're going to wait another 6 days??? That's crazy talk! Just kidding, I dont think it's going to be any cheaper than $300 though...
you're going to wait another 6 days??? That's crazy talk, just kidding, I dont think it's going to be any cheaper than $300 though...

Yeah, my wife said the same thing.......And if I wait and its not there will be no living with her after that:D
Unfortunately going to have to wait a few days. the Diamond Wireless that we do our business at only stays open till 7PM and we dirv by there on our way home about that time.

Basically don't want to keep the reps there too long, since we would be upgrading 2 phones.

The reason for DW, is the insurance, seems better then Verzion's normal. And the sales manager at that location, he is a top notch guy.
I'll be getting it on Thursday as well, however I doubt local stores will have them in stock.... they are somewhat re.. slow around here.
I'm gonna get if Costco's bundle is available. I'll be hunting just in case it sells out....I hope not though. :(
I'd love to get the Costco bundle, but I'm getting it there even if they don't have it.

Yeah me too but if I can't get the bundle then maybe I'll shop around a little bit. If I can't find the Bionic at a better price or deal, then Costco has my money because of their return policy. I looooove their return policy. :D
Yeah me too but if I can't get the bundle then maybe I'll shop around a little bit. If I can't find the Bionic at a better price or deal, then Costco has my money because of their return policy. I looooove their return policy. :D

Well, I don't think you'll find it cheaper on launch day, that would defeat the purpose.
Just went to the store and I was told they have recieved some "packages" for the release on thursday.
They have no opened them yet so they are not sure on how many devices they actually have? IDK. I call BS.
He told me that If I show up on Thurs morning I should have no trouble getting one.

Now If *611 will ever reset my damn contract date, that remains to be seen.
The Rep sent an email to whoever and said it should be updated via My Verizon in 24-48 hrs. And If I doesnt to call back on Tuesday to make sure I have no issues getting a new device on Thursday....what a PITA. lol
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