How the hell do i delete iBooks and Maps? i tried dragging them into the trash and it says 'it cannot be deleted as it's required by OS X' that's horse hockey and i know it! they are mobile apps that in my view have no place on a large laptop and i don't want them. trying to recover some of that lost space and now it won't let me? is there some admin method to force-delete them? i don't want them.
as for dashboard they just changed the wallpaper image. big whoop.
EDIT: never mind, the ol'e Linux method worked (terminal)
BTW just want to prove i'm not making this up. before the
waste of time 'upgrade' i had over 485GB free. the 'other' category, whatever it is, only took up 7GB. now it takes up 15GB+ and 'applications' went up another 5GB, and now i'm at 471GB free. so yea, it's a waste of space. i do not know why it shows 'Photos' taking up 700MB+ as the only 'pictures' are my wallpaper and the screenshots on the desktop.
Also, it's definitely OS X 10.9, which is the version number for Mavericks. but from the screen caps you can see it's still Mountain Lion only with a new name. there is no groundbreaking new feature, nothing but a longer boot time, and a 20GB loss to my hard drive.
And, if you're bringing up Android versions, while 4.3 looks exactly the same as 4.1, it isn't wasting any of my internal storage. Mac OS X Mavericks is. wasting 20GB of my hard drive for ZERO Reason. all while adding NOTHING. the performance is the same (although boot is slower) and everything is exactly as it was. they didn't give us Siri, or anything else. there is nothing to warrant the additional space used on my hard drive. it also, since upgrade, is showing 750MB of photos when my 'pictures' folder is empty. and i don't have any movies so why it shows 56MB occupied by 'Movies' is another mystery.