The Friendly Undead
It was all just so American, it was hilarious.
I've met many people from France that I don't consider rude. I've met people from Canada that I do consider rude. I know a guy from Texas that doesn't agree with the Second Amendment and hates beer. I know people in Tennessee that hate country music. I know a few New Yorkers that hate pizza. I know a guy in Italy that doesn't like pasta. I know a guy from Korea that is horrible at math.
I was born and raised in Georgia. Based on stereotypes you would believe that I say "ya'll", live in a house with wheels on it and spit tobacco out of my mouth along with a bunch of other Jeff Foxworthy stereotypes. If you met me you would probably have the same reaction as just about every other person I meet, "Where is your accent?" or "Where are you from originally?"
Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, but there are exceptions to every rule. People in the US get a bad rap overseas sometimes just like people who live overseas can get a bad rap in the US. I've found that when I go somewhere I'm naturally drawn to enjoy everyone around me for their own personal charms or lack there of. I've also found that when I go someplace with a preconceived notion of those people my perception is tainted. Thus everyone in France is rude to me even when they are wishing me a wonderful day and people in Canada are overly hospitable even when they are trying to run me down with their car. The world and the people in it are what you make of it. If you want to believe something about someone and perceive them that way then that is the way they will be.