Some more information about this. Using a port sniffer (not a net port sniffer) and monitoring traffic comes up with nothing, other than the "hello" packet from the phone itself. "Sahara" is an error code for failure to recieve the qcomm version of an ACK, which makes me think the computer isn't actually talking to EDL, but the strange thing is that the phone sent a "hello" packet, but isn't responding to incoming packets. I'm going to attempt to send dirty bits to the port and see if I get an ack. If I get an ack, we can bypass the deep flash cable (which is generally used for getting in to EDL, but some users report error code Sahara without the cable, but get an ack with it) and directly talk over the protocol. If anyone else has pentesting skills, try sending dirty bits to the phone in EDL to see what happens (Not sure if it can cause a brick or not, so use caution). That's about all I have for tonight.
@messi want to weigh in?