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Root ZTE Zmax Pro Official Root Discussion

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That's utterly preposterous. I must respectfully disagree. If their consumers do not or cannot voice their opinions, desires, wants, needs, and issues then what does that say about the company? So we are not supposed to voice our displeasure about the lack of ability to control and do what we will with a product we bought, out of what fear that it will cause negative recourse? A company saying we can't modify our phones is like saying you can't install a new radio, rims, or anything on a car that is bought and paid for. It's the same principle.
I really don't see this device getting rooted what progress that's been made has continuously been shut down unlesss whoever zte or T-Mobile can unlock this phone unlocks it we got nothing and I personally can't attempt to modify my phone cause of reasons (nda) that prohibit it so I wish you guys luck I'll keep up but seriously I'm not seeing it unless somebody aka zte or T-Mobile plays ball
Please refrain from posting paid apps outside the PlayStore, thanks.
From the eula.txt file of the app.
Emphasis mine:

<p><strong>By using the Software, you agree with the terms specified in the following license agreement. If you agree with the terms, press the Agree button.</strong></p>
<p>"Author" herein refers to Defiant Technologies, LLC. "Software" refers to all files included with the DiskDigger and/or DiskDigger Pro applications (the APK package and any other supporting files).</p>

<p>Except where otherwise noted, all of the documentation and Software is copyrighted by Defiant Technologies, LLC.</p>
<p><em>Copyright © 2009-2016 Defiant Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved.</em></p>

<h2>License and costs</h2>
<p>Use of the Software is permitted provided that all of the following terms are accepted:</p>
<p>1. The Author grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Software subject to your compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this license.</p>
<p>2. You are only granted a license for the machine-readable, object code portion of the Software. You will not modify, enhance, reverse engineer or otherwise alter the Software from its current state.</p>
<p>3. You will not have any proprietary rights of the Software. You acknowledge and agree that the Author retains all copyrights and other proprietary rights of the Software.</p>

<p>4. <strong>The Software is provided "AS-IS," without any express or implied warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the Author be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data, or profits, or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way from the use of the Software.</strong></p>

<p>5. All redistributions of the Software must be done through approved channels, such as the Google Play Store. None of the Software's files may be redistributed without express written permission of the Author.</p>
<p>6. The number of devices on which you can install the Software shall be dictated by the terms and agreements of the chosen distribution channel, such as the Google Play Store.</p>
<p>7. This license shall be effective and bind you upon your downloading of the Software.</p>
<p>8. The Author reserves his rights to modify this agreement in the future.</p>
<strong>If you do not agree to all of the above terms, you are not permitted to use the Software in any way, and all copies of it must be deleted from your system(s).</strong></p>

<h2>Limitation of liability</h2>

<p>In no event shall the Author, its officers, directors, employees, or agents, be liable to you for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever resulting from any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies within the software, (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and use of the Software, (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from our services or Software, (iv) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like, which may be transmitted to or through the Software by any third party, and/or (v) any errors or omissions in any of the Software or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your use of the Software or services, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not the company is advised of the possibility of such damages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction.</p>

<p>In the event that you experience a problem with a third party while using the Software, you agree that your sole remedy is with that third party and not the Author. The Author is not liable to you or to third parties for any damage, harm, injury or claim that arises from your use of the Software or products purchased from our site. This agreement sets forth the entire liability of the Author, its affiliates and your exclusive remedy with respect to the Software and its use.</p>

Quick question I have the ZTE ZMAX Pro and I, don't know the name of it but I clicked my build number several times and there was a option that said unlock bootloader and I clicked it said it was unlocked....I haven't tested anything because I don't know much about rooting but isn't a unlocked bootloader what we need?
if this is what you mean then that only allows it to be unlocked it doesn't actually unlock you it have to do it yourself


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If I knew of one, I'd direct you guys to him, but I'm not following this device.

Well I don't think anyone knows a device until they have worked with it. Do you know of any devs who have worked on root methods or want to that are active right now or are looking for something to do? They can be briefed on what progress we have made very quickly. You could as well. There are thousands of people who want root for this phone as you can see from just the kingroot requests alone, but there are precious few of us even talking about it much less actually trying to achieve it ourselves.
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