UPDATE: After much pursuing/perusing.... I think the best way to go about this is to contact a lawyer.
I know this change in direction is strange, and I will probably get much backlash.... but in a nutshell: This phone is a dataminer's dream. After creating a working temproot, a root user called 'sodu' (no really, not 'sudo') is created on the device. The device can be monitored remotely with an SMS hook, and can also be put into a "false sleep" mode that reminds me of another tech giant's TV backdoor. Something screams afoul here, rooting cannot work, at this point im writing this phone off as something that SHOULD NEVER get root. Rooting will not remove the MODEM and KERNEL level backdoors that are in place. Go take a look at sodu.ja ..... some weird java file that has a hook to a chinese server. it's not the update server either. Thank you to all my testers,
@messi2050 /
@SapphireEx for pushing me along and helping. As for the GIT, all current data is being removed for reasons you can probably guess. I'm calling the feds... seriously. There's something much bigger here. If a few InfoSec people want to pour through this weird java file (.ja extension but a kernel header points to it as a .jar) and see what exactly is being sent.
I knew it was bad, just not this bad!
TLDR; get a new phone, if this one DOES get rooted, it won't solve the massive data security issues and BAKED IN logging. Rooting for fun/performance/customization is something i believe strongly in, but a root on this phone is a potentially HUGE issue that will most likely make the current security problems worse.