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LiQuID FroZeN YoGurT v1.5 (FRG22 Built From AOSP Source!! - Custom SLaYHer KeRNeLs!!)

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  • 5 Star ROM Rating: Elite

    Votes: 48 60.0%
  • 4 Star ROM Rating: Outstanding

    Votes: 20 25.0%
  • 3 Star ROM Rating: Average

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • 2 Star ROM Rating: Not Ready for Primetime

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • 1 Star ROM Rating: Not Usable

    Votes: 4 5.0%

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Performance has your phone running at the max you set in setcpu at all times. Interactive is more like on demand scaleing where when you unlock the cpu will go from idle state usually towards the min you have set in setcpu, then will scale down until it meets system needs only. The difference in on demand and interactive is that on demand will poll the CPU at predefined intervals to see if more or less is needed. Interactive does not do this and allows the CPU to change speeds as needed without polling.

I have the 1200 mhz kernel on my phone, if I use performance I will run at 1200 all the time, with interactive I will run at 1200 when I unlock then run at lower speeds unless I need 1200.

This post changed my phone! I kept wondering what everyone was talking about when it came to smooth and fast because I did not see any difference whatsoever between running 2.1 unrooted and LFY 1.5 (1000 mhz kernel). Seriously.

I always have to keep my free RAM above 200 or my phone would lag enough to make me not want to use it at all. I kept very few apps installed and I constantly had to delete apps just to get the basics to work well. I could not understand how other Droids could have 50 or 100 apps and still work at all! Even moving apps to the SD card didn't help much.

I thought root and a new ROM would make the difference. Nope. Same problems with very few apps installed. And SetCPU? I have no idea what I'm doing. I understand what its supposed to do but it's not doing it!

So before I log off the forum for the night because I'm so sick of this phone, I try the Interactive setting. I select it, hit the back button and . . . HOLY POPCORN BATMAN! No lag, none. I am one happy Droid camper!

I have a totally new phone again! :D

Silly me - never even once occurred to me to remove my Twitter account an re-add it - now it stays logged in after reboots.

however, battery consumption is the worst it has ever been, and Although I am running Interactive 700-1200 on my phone when I first show the screen from sleep, and especially when i put the phone in the car dock, I lose control of the phone from 5 to 15 seconds....

I really think the issues are related....I think something is constantly trying to get a bearing on my phone with GPS enabled when it should no be doing it continuously - and I am beginning to suspect that it is my Beautiful Widgets....

Gonna do some more testing and report back.
I am so glad to hear I am not the only one having this problem! I removed the bluetooth relationship on both the phone and my car's headunit and re-added them but it says voicedial is not supported.

Also, when I used Navigation it said TTS wasn't installed, I guess I've been spoiled by other roms because I've never gotten that message before. Which TTS in the market do I need to install?

Yeap. I hat the same window pop up the firs ttime i ran GPS. I was surprised to see it though, I didnt read anything on voice being removed from the phone.

But I clicked to the link it supplied and it puts you at the correct market app to install. I did and no problems since.
Me too. Also, how to reverse it if necessary.
To reverse you just need to open the /data/local.prop file and remove the line you've added by running the echo command.

Open a command prompt/console window.

vi /data/local.prop

Move the cursor to the line that reads "ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=1"


Note that the D and the ZZ must be capitalized for them to have effect. You should see the line disappear altogether when you do the D, and then return to a command prompt after typing ZZ.

After that, reboot your phone and you should be back to normal.

My understanding from Samsonite801 is that this forces the OS to keep your launcher/home in-memory. I know with LPro you can set it to stay in memory, but the results have been iffy. This, apparently, forces it to stay resident in memory.

You can read about Samsonite's journey of discovery here.
Thanks. I am ignorant when it comes to command line stuff. I appreciate the simple, straight forward explanation.
Is it not possible to build these roms with the stock launcher? Then just let people install whatever launcher they want off the market?

That way those of us with the lag issues can use the stock launcher which seems to never lag... I love some of the features of ADW but i'd rather have the speed/ram usage of the stock launcher, but maybe its not possible to build these custom roms without a custom launcher?

running LFY 1.5 with the Liquid Slayher V1.5 1200.

1200/700 ondemand (3 Quarant scores in the 1500's)

1200/700 interactive (3 Quarant scores in the 1500's)

both are relatively close in scores ondemand just seems smoother to me.:cool:

I have noticed while surfing the internet and being plugged to the wall charger that it begins to heat (had a few browser shut downs). I dropped that profile down from 1200 to 1000.:cool:

Going through system to change sound volume will cause a FC, but I would never have known if I did read it here (I use the buttons) No Problem..:o

I get about 13 hrs of normal texting, emailing and such on a battery. If I run the browser surfing it brings it down a lot. I have set my weatherBug and K9 to update 30 minute instead of 5.
Also I really think the black and bold helped increase the battery a bit. My theory on this is that not near as much backlight is being used, but that may just be in my head.. LMFAO :eek:
@omniphil, I'm sure I'll be corrected if wrong here, but the problem isn't in the launchers ADW or LP themselves. It has to do with the compcache that was added. Compcache has had some very mixed results, and Slayher and Liquid have done some more work on it in the background I am guessing.
I have switched to a ChevyNo1 Kernel, so Compcache is disabled. Still got the Lag, I then added the local.prop fix to keep the launcher in memory and it seems a little better.

I guess i'm just more curious why these roms include ADW and LPro. Why not just have the stock launcher and get which ever one you want off the market?

@omniphil, I'm sure I'll be corrected if wrong here, but the problem isn't in the launchers ADW or LP themselves. It has to do with the compcache that was added. Compcache has had some very mixed results, and Slayher and Liquid have done some more work on it in the background I am guessing.
i need of some help/advice - i'm currently running lfy and for the most part it is great....but once a week or so it will freeze up and i'll have to do a battery pull not just once but several times and eventually it will be back to running normally....any idea?
i need of some help/advice - i'm currently running lfy and for the most part it is great....but once a week or so it will freeze up and i'll have to do a battery pull not just once but several times and eventually it will be back to running normally....any idea?

Are you running a slayher kernel? If so do you have compcache on or off?
nope, not running a slayher kernel. should i be?

You could try, I was running a slayer kernel with compcache and my phone would act wierd at points, my screen would go black and stay black until my podcast stopped playing, also removing the headphones would not stop the podcast, this was relieved when I stopped compcache.

When you installed the rom did you use rom manager or go into recovery and manually clear partitions, I do not believe that using rom manager formats all partitions. Other than that you could try clearing your cache. I like cachecleaner which is free on the market. And you dalvik cache, if you have the premium version of titanium backup press menu -> more -> clean up dalvik cache, or use root explorer and go to data -> dalvik-cache select all and delete. After the dalvik cache you need to reboot. When I cleared dalvik my phone seemed to go into a boot loop but booted on the second loop, only thing I can figure about that is the phone has to recreated the needed dalvik files.

Hope this helps :D
has anyone been having gallery issues? gallery takes a while to load every once in a while. and now it just completely went kaput on me. i can't load up any pics on it. it says i have nothing in my collection. my pics and videos are still there, i can see it in astro, but i can't see anything in gallery. did a reboot and still nothing.

could this have something to do with compcache being on? i'm using the slayher kernel with compcache enabled. is there a way to turn it off? or is flashing another kernel the only way?
has anyone been having gallery issues? gallery takes a while to load every once in a while. and now it just completely went kaput on me. i can't load up any pics on it. it says i have nothing in my collection. my pics and videos are still there, i can see it in astro, but i can't see anything in gallery. did a reboot and still nothing.

could this have something to do with compcache being on? i'm using the slayher kernel with compcache enabled. is there a way to turn it off? or is flashing another kernel the only way?

My gallery is too slow to use, I use astro and it works file.

To disable compcache. Open terminal edittor, type su, compcache stats (just to check that is on, if it isn't you receive an error message), compcache stop, and wait once you get a "#" again type exit, then exit, and you have disable compcache.
Ok, it seems some other people have been experiencing this, so just looking to get some input into the following...

So, for the most part, 1.5 has been amazing. But twice now, the phone has literally slowed to a crawl. This usually happened after listening to music for some time. The screen wouldn't turn back on, and when it finally did, nothing was responsive. The first time it did this, I was running the Slayher kernel. Flashed Chevy's 1.2Ghz ULV kernel hoping to resolve the problem (this was after I had tried disabling CompCache first). After running Chevys kernel for 2 days, it happened again today on my way home from work. Same exact circumstances.

Here's where it gets weirder.. while I was still running the Slayher kernel, I had the Smoked theme installed (stay with me here!). Now, I'm not necessarily blaming the theme, but there would points where LP would just crawl. I had switched to ADW, which magically seemed to fix the problem, only for it to slow to a crawl as mentioned earlier. I tried to remove LP from /system/app, reboot and then reinstall from the Market hoping it would fix the issue. Seemed to work initially, and then I used the fix posted by bemenaker to get rid of the redraw lag. Again, it seemed to work initially. But this crippling, slow down to a crawl situation on my phone was very odd.

So, after today's repeat crippling performance, I decided that enough was enough. I tried to think about how my phone was before this stuff was happening and realized that all was good before applying the Smoked theme. I decided to use a Clockwork backup I had made after installing stock LFY1.5 + Slayher 1.2 Ghz LV kernel. I wiped data/cache and wiped the boot and system partitions in Clockwork, then restored that backup. Since restoring and flashing Chevys 1.2Ghz ULV, all has been great..

Will update this based on the next 48 hours to see if this was the real issue or not.

Even with this little hiccup, root is worth it, haha!
My gallery is too slow to use, I use astro and it works file.

To disable compcache. Open terminal edittor, type su, compcache stats (just to check that is on, if it isn't you receive an error message), compcache stop, and wait once you get a "#" again type exit, then exit, and you have disable compcache.

thanks! i figured out what the problem with my gallery was though. i mistakenly put .nomedia in my root directory lol.
Anyone?? Voice-dial with bluetooth?? Man I miss liquid....I've had to temporarily switch ROMS because i NEED to be able to do this. I want to come back :)

Sorry klwheat...but I don't use BT very often (I had to hunt for my old Moto H500 headset) and I'm not a huge fan of the S1 stereo BT unit I have have).

I was unable to test the BT on 1.5...cause I wasn't on 1.5 anymore ;)

I did test the voice dialing on the 1.6 (alpha) build and it worked just fine. So if it doesn't work on 1.5 for you...the fix should be coming in the next release
Sorry klwheat...but I don't use BT very often (I had to hunt for my old Moto H500 headset) and I'm not a huge fan of the S1 stereo BT unit I have have).

I was unable to test the BT on 1.5...cause I wasn't on 1.5 anymore ;)

I did test the voice dialing on the 1.6 (alpha) build and it worked just fine. So if it doesn't work on 1.5 for you...the fix should be coming in the next release

I can confirm that BT voice dialing has been broken/disabled with this ROM. I was so pumped when BT dialing came, and then stoked with the new voice dialer features, and now I can't use it. It is the one and only thing missing for me from this ROM. It is still running awesome otherwise.
... while I was still running the Slayher kernel, I had the Smoked theme installed...
I don't want to blame the smoked theme either but I was having the same issues you note when running LFY 1.5, Smoked, SL 1200. I recovered to stock LFY 1.5, applied B&B, then SL 1200 and things improved drastically.

Recently, I also went back to stock LFY 1.5 and installed Watermark'D with SL 1200. Have been running that for a few days and I really like it. Think I'm gonna stay here for a while. Minimal lag, only seems to lag when I try to DL multiple things/updates from the market.

Compcache is on and I did apply the hack to keep LP in memory.

I still have some problems with audio on Flash content but no biggie. I think Uncle Steve was right, Flash is a dog....
I was also having some issues with 1.5 and the 1200 kernel. there were absolutely NO redraws at all, bu the screen would not be responsive right away..maybe after 2 seconds it would work, but would still be slow and laggy, also opening up apps was slow. i have it working great now, and the only thing i did was go into LP settings and set the memory presets to low (or the second to lowest) in advanced settings and installed a task killer(the killer may not have helped but i installed that just as i changes settings so i thought i would throw that in there) and it has been working great.....this is also with the smoked theme. been going strong for about 7 hours of pretty consistant use with no problems.
Hey, so I just flashed this rom on and I love it! Now my question is...all the links to themes aren't working on the first post, are they reposted somewhere and I just missed them, and if not can someone re-up them?
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