Well-Known Member
Performance has your phone running at the max you set in setcpu at all times. Interactive is more like on demand scaleing where when you unlock the cpu will go from idle state usually towards the min you have set in setcpu, then will scale down until it meets system needs only. The difference in on demand and interactive is that on demand will poll the CPU at predefined intervals to see if more or less is needed. Interactive does not do this and allows the CPU to change speeds as needed without polling.
I have the 1200 mhz kernel on my phone, if I use performance I will run at 1200 all the time, with interactive I will run at 1200 when I unlock then run at lower speeds unless I need 1200.
This post changed my phone! I kept wondering what everyone was talking about when it came to smooth and fast because I did not see any difference whatsoever between running 2.1 unrooted and LFY 1.5 (1000 mhz kernel). Seriously.
I always have to keep my free RAM above 200 or my phone would lag enough to make me not want to use it at all. I kept very few apps installed and I constantly had to delete apps just to get the basics to work well. I could not understand how other Droids could have 50 or 100 apps and still work at all! Even moving apps to the SD card didn't help much.
I thought root and a new ROM would make the difference. Nope. Same problems with very few apps installed. And SetCPU? I have no idea what I'm doing. I understand what its supposed to do but it's not doing it!
So before I log off the forum for the night because I'm so sick of this phone, I try the Interactive setting. I select it, hit the back button and . . . HOLY POPCORN BATMAN! No lag, none. I am one happy Droid camper!
I have a totally new phone again!