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After guide week and mod week, don't forget admin week! Though since we have (and need) only one, maybe we only need a day or so?

I'd also like to add appreciation for all those non staff that contribute heavily here and make our (guides, mods and admin) jobs so pleasurable. I think you (mostly) know who you are, and YOU ROCK! Thanks.

Hey this is the month of LUV, every week is an opportunity to show that appreciation (just keep that Karandpr and Blkblt away from each other) XD
The staff here rocks :) Especially the Guides...with getting bossed around by everyone! lol Without them, the forums would really be a juggle to weed through :) MODs can only do so much in the vast world of AF.

Anyways...WHERE ARE THE GUIDES!!! I only see Yeahha's post *waves to Yeahha* Rico, did you forget to send them invites to their own party thread? LOL

The green bottle completes your ensemble well, doood. :D

Thank you for this thread, this idea, Rico.
Every day when I browse the forum I see the name of a new Guide that Ive never met before or, have never seen their name online.

Could we hold a GUIDE APPRECIATION WEEK here on Android Forum where Guides can post and introduce themselves here and how long they've been a Guide?


And could we loyal die,hard Android Forumists also post a message of appreciation for all the great work this great bunch does?

If this is a stoopid and bad idea,.....then its all Yeahha's (Ponyboy) fault..

What do you say? Want to kick it off during the first 7 days of Feb? The month for "Showimg some luv?...even to yeahha too (if we ha v e to)!

:D . It's a brilliant idea
Lets talk about the "other" avatar you promised to don ?


^What a load of crap. :rolleyes:;)

It's not quite tomorrow, but if I post this now, maybe less people will actually read it & I'll be less embarrassed...

First to Frisco- Kudos for assembling and corralling this excellent band of bozos. :)

To all the guides I've never had the pleasure of meeting- Kudos to you for actually doing your jobs instead of hanging out in Forum Games. :D

To our resident OV forum guide- Thanks for the sig, and for reminding me every day (seriously, he won't shut up about it :rolleyes:) that holding grudges is an enormous waste of energy. :)

To the FG crew- Thanks for assuring me that my disinterest in all things anime related is completely justified, for exactly 15 minutes worth of actual guidance, and mostly for many, many hours of laughs, which means more than I can ever express. :)

Damn, that's sappy...

So, in honor of all of you tremendous folks in green, I will proudly don this embarrassing avatar for the duration of the week:

Thankfully the script on the shirt is unreadable when it's shrunken to avatar size. Please note still-healing flesh wound sustained in FG.

Isn't 15 minutes stretching it :rolleyes: :D
First of all, thank you to all of the guides!!!!

I bounce around the forums (really all over the place except phone forums other than my own) and try to help answer questions. A lot of time, probably more than I realize, I see a guide has either answered the question or directed the member to a thread or forum where an answer can be found. In the past, I just clicked out of the thread and moved on:o. In light of appreciation week, from now on I will make sure to thank them.

Again, thanks guys and gals.
I agree with pupkat (...gotta know the history behind that name...xD).. Ive been on other forums where a noobie asks a question and are quickly told in responses "look it up yourself" or "theres this thing called google, use it".... Totally turning a noob or a "seasoned old coot" (like txgoat) off to ever feeling welcomed or "safe" to post again

Thats not the case at Android Forums! You guides do exactly what your title says, and Pupcat expressed what you do, best.
I agree with pupkat (...gotta know the history behind that name...xD).. Ive been on other forums where a noobie asks a question and are quickly told in responses "look it up yourself" or "theres this thing called google, use it".... Totally turning a noob or a "seasoned old coot" (like txgoat) off to ever feeling welcomed or "safe" to post again

Thats not the case at Android Forums! You guides do exactly what your title says, and Pupcat expressed what you do, best.

chuckled at your post :D. Sorry, nothing humorous about the name, which is pupkact, not pupcat. It is my last name followed by my initials :rolleyes:. I am such the creative lot aren't I. I hope I didn't burst your bubble too much about getting an interesting story:D.
I agree with pupkat (...gotta know the history behind that name...xD).. Ive been on other forums where a noobie asks a question and are quickly told in responses "look it up yourself" or "theres this thing called google, use it".... Totally turning a noob or a "seasoned old coot" (like txgoat) off to ever feeling welcomed or "safe" to post again

Yeah... know what you mean... saw a video on "what to do as a n00b" linked on another (name unmentioned) forum and couldn't believe that they could make something like that... really doesn't make you feel welcome!!

Thats not the case at Android Forums! You guides do exactly what your title says, and Pupcat expressed what you do, best.

Thanks for the shout out!

I was just brought on board about mid December. My green badge isn't quite dry yet, been dodging Frisco so he can't take it back...... :D

I agree with the OP, I really appreciated the help and the work the guides did in the OG EVO forums where I spent most of my reign of terror, er ...time. :) Now I really understand what it is they've been doing behind the scenes, makes me more appreciative.

Thanks to all that came before me and taught a fool to ride! :D
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