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All Things Star Wars

One for my peeps
Bad Batch is well.... probably not for me. I get the little kid is cute, and I should be touched the big strong brute made her a room, and she's never had her own room... But come on....

*end rant
i'm curious though. they are playing that she is some sort of big deal. i'm curious as to why the Kaminoans created her. i want to know what secret they are keeping from the Galatic Empire about her. some are saying that she is a clone that has midichlorians and thus she can use the force which is why the Kaminoans are hiding this fact about her.

this is what is keeping my interest in the series.
i'm curious though. they are playing that she is some sort of big deal. i'm curious as to why the Kaminoans created her. i want to know what secret they are keeping from the Galatic Empire about her. some are saying that she is a clone that has midichlorians and thus she can use the force which is why the Kaminoans are hiding this fact about her.

this is what is keeping my interest in the series.

Curious to see what they do with it, but they are constrained by what we already know about the future, which I think is one of star wars issues.

That said, we now know Palpatine has been around the entire time trying to get a force sensitive close, so there's that. May this is Rey's mother? lol (yes, I know the father was the clone)
yeah but, the deal gave us Disney+ and the Mandalorian and soon to be other series. the Bad Batch is Badass!!!!

and i can't wait for the Book of Boba Fett.

I really tried to like Bad Batch, but I just can't keep watching. I can't handle another precocious kid with force powers making stupid decisions in order to have a 23min plot happen.

I'm sticking with live action *only* for star wars.
CAD BANE!!!!!!! showed up in episode 8. i really like him as a character.

I really tried to like Bad Batch, but I just can't keep watching. I can't handle another precocious kid with force powers making stupid decisions in order to have a 23min plot happen.

I'm sticking with live action *only* for star wars.

i get it. but for me, i love animation. and as long as it is not meant for toddlers i could watch anything animated all day.....LOL.....especially if it is Star Wars related. but the show is on the same level as the Clone Wars which i love.....so i'm happy with it.

.......And we are not certain that Omega has force powers. episode 8 did show that the Kaminoans are now making an effort to retrieve Omega. i just do not know exactly why. this is what has kept me going along for the ride.
OMEGA? They named a Star Wars character after a Greek letter???

Long time ago. Galaxy far, far away. Maybe they invented the alphabet and launched it into deep space. Ancient Greeks found it washed up on a beach eons later and claimed it was theirs...

CAD BANE!!!!!!! showed up in episode 8. i really like him as a character.

i get it. but for me, i love animation. and as long as it is not meant for toddlers i could watch anything animated all day.....LOL.....especially if it is Star Wars related. but the show is on the same level as the Clone Wars which i love.....so i'm happy with it.

.......And we are not certain that Omega has force powers. episode 8 did show that the Kaminoans are now making an effort to retrieve Omega. i just do not know exactly why. this is what has kept me going along for the ride.

A Bane? No way, that is interesting. Teh Bane books are next level writing, even if they are non canon now.
A Bane? No way, that is interesting. Teh Bane books are next level writing, even if they are non canon now.

I thought all published Star Wars material is canon, Even Star Wars Holiday Special(1978). But then with SciFi and Fantasy, anything supposedly canon is always subject to dispute and argument, and the whims of the IP rights holders. like Disney.
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I thought all published Star Wars material is canon, Even Star Wars Holiday Special(1978). But then with SciFi and Fantasy, anything supposedly canon is always subject to dispute and argument, and the whims of the IP rights holders. like Disney.
here this explains it really well if you have the time to read it:

basically when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars, they threw all previous stories (books and comics) out of the Star Wars universe and called those stories Legends.

from the article, these are the stories that are now currently considered as cannon:
  • All six current movies
  • The Clone Wars
  • The Force Awakens as well as Episodes VIII, IX, and the spinoff movies
  • Star Wars: Rebels
  • The then-upcoming novel Star Wars: A New Dawn and Marvel Comics series
this is a great breakdown of episode #9......Spoilers......

finally getting some answers about Omega. can't wait for next week's episode.
yep the MCU is also getting its own anime anthology called "What if" as well.

can't wait to see them both.
What If has been on my radar for a while, and has long standing history/comic backing it. Star Wars I am less confident about because they have no clear direction, so every step is a crap shoot.
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