and hey, i'm all for supporting our President, so long as I don't get hanged for not supporting him.
What Amazon's doing is FORCING our support by requiring us to keep their app store. I love Amazon and I'd love to continue using their appstore, but knowing I have to continue to, no matter what? Ehhh....
I am going to sound like a dick but I don't care. Quit your whining and crying and suck it up. If you root your phone and uninstall the market I would be willing to bet several of the market apps you have won't work for the same reason some Amazon apps won't work if you uninstall the appstore. This is done to protect the devs, if there was no sort of DRM then the Android ecosystem would be more rampant with piracy.
Your comparison is quit wrong. The President is the only president you have, regardless if you chose to vote for him or not. You can choose not to use the Amazon appstore, no one is forcing you to use it.
If you choose to use it, even if it is just for a free app each day, then you must comply with the terms of use. If you uninstall the appstore you are in violation fo the terms of use and they are not required to allow you to use any of the apps you have downloaded from them.
Quit your complaining and next time you see an app's terms of service pop up don't just blindly agree to it but take 5 mins of your precious time and read what you are agreeing to.