You didn't have to install the Amazon App Store. If you don't like the fact that you need to have the app store installed to use the apps you get then just get rid of the apps and the app store. We're not talking rocket science here.
Someone got on me for suggesting it wasn't cool of Amazon to require you to have their store installed, and I kind of let it go, but my feeling is this:
It's a trust issue. I love Amazon, I love how open and fair they are to their customers, and how they seem to have adopted Google's *previous* philosophy of "You don't need to do evil to be successful."
So it's a little ding in their armor when I find out they're trying to lock me in to their app. It's not that it's unreasonable, or that they're FORCING me to use it, because yeah I can just uninstall it. It somehow, in my mind, draws parallels of Verizon (et al) creating this infinite loop of-- to realistically buy our phones, you need to create a 2-year contract, and you get a phone that lasts a year and a half... but you can get a new one, with another 2-year contract, until your phone stops working in a year and a half...
If Amazon's as great as they seem to be, do they really need to try and sneakily force me into keeping their app? Isn't being higher quality enough? I'd keep the Amazon App Store on my phone and use it just out of support for them... I don't really like that they're trying to MAKE me, after the fact.
But you're right, if you don't like it, uninstall and move on to something else.
p.s. I'm not TOO upset about this, because I get that it's kind of the standard thing to do, and as far as I know it's possible that having their app installed is the only way to keep the apps functioning properly. Maybe they literally can't make a version where uninstalling their app keeps your other apps working.
edit: as a good analogy, let's say your favorite band comes out with a new album. There's a catch: to listen to their new album, you have to have their entire discography purchased. Now, okay, it's your favorite band so you have their entire discography purchased ANYWAY, but don't you like them a little less now that they're MAKING you have their entire discography? Yes. Can you just move on to another band and not listen to your favorite band? Yes. But they're your favorite-- you WANT to listen to them, you're GOING to, but you still don't think it's very fair.