Well-Known Member
Today's FAOTD is "Trigonometrics", which infringes on intellectual property rights by advertising itself as "Create Your Own SPIROGRAPH".
It doesn't have any bad permissions, but I love this review:
"I think that this app was created in about 30 minutes after guzzling a six pack of beer. It acts like a 'graphics demo' that you might find on an Apple ][ system demo disc."
Hey, I was blown away by those Apple ][ system demos. Did you ever hear the one that made it play "Stairway to Heaven" in two-part harmony? Man, that was gnarly to the max.

"I think that this app was created in about 30 minutes after guzzling a six pack of beer. It acts like a 'graphics demo' that you might find on an Apple ][ system demo disc."
Hey, I was blown away by those Apple ][ system demos. Did you ever hear the one that made it play "Stairway to Heaven" in two-part harmony? Man, that was gnarly to the max.