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An update in regards to Bob Cat, long time AF Moderator

Thank you Phases,

I am choosing not to reply to the thread because I handle grief in an uncommon way and due to being disconnected from AF for so long. This news does make me sad. Please pass my condolences to to his family and alert me if there is anything I can do. I appreciate you reaching out.

Pretty much sums up how I feel also. Thank you Phases.

Bobcat always struck me as a really down-to-earth, chill, and friendly guy. I haven't interacted with him in a long time but am sad nonetheless. Can certainly remember chatting in the guides/mods forum and enjoying his banter and level-headed opinions.

I can't help but think it's a testament to what a nice guy he was and how he helped people to see so many people come to post fond memories and stories.

Farewell Bobcat
Well, I just got back from vacation and just noticed this thread. BC was a true trooper in every sense of the word. He was always kind and helpful and will truly be missed. This breaks my heart, I am truly sadden by this news and really wish I could of spoken to him before he left us, but I know after all his recent suffering, he is in a much better place and we must all accept this and know he is looking out for us all. BC, RIP and know you will always be in my thoughts.

RIP BC.png
I didn't know him but I know of ppl like him! My condolences are with everyone! It's good to see how ppl can affect others esp on the net! This is why I love this forum so much alot of us are friends and family! R.I.P


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I've stared at this thread the past couple of days lost for words (and still haven't really found them). Mike's positive attitude and tenacity during his struggles with health is something that really hit a chord with me. He will be missed.
Having some recently discovered health issues myself, he frequently used himself and his health as an example. He lectured me on more than one occasion about the importance early detection and staying on top of things.

Even as much as his situation sucked, he still tried to use it positively and make some good come from it.
It's time for me to deliver some sad news. I've just learned that longtime AF moderator, Bob Cat, passed away last week. He had been battling some serious health complications the past few years, and he hung on strong for a long time. He will be missed :(

Sorry if this was already answered. But what was his serious health complications?
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Bob Cat had a heart as big as the sky but he was a quiet man in certain ways.

He didn't wear anything untoward, negative, or unpleasant on his sleeve.

We know that if he were here, just mentioning illness would be just about too much. Yeah - he would discuss it privately. He wasn't in denial or avoidance. But given the choice, he'd have rather discussed the best way to keep a cup of coffee at the right temperature.

In honor of his way of doing things, we've chosen to try to be like him here and just not say more about the details that took him far too soon, and just remember him personally.

And personally, he was a regular guy - the kind we all need more of ok.

Thanks for understanding!
I don't know if I should say it here, but I can't resist myself. I was facing a dilemma and when no other community helped me out I knocked the door of androidforums. Veteran members took care of my problem in a way as it was their own. But I didn't know I still had to learn something. Then I got to know about Mr. bobcat and I am really really surprised how friendly and dedicated a man can be even in internet community. I had no idea that members in a community site can turn out to be such wonderful friends. It's like family in here. I am getting too much positive vibe.

Friendship and Love is like energy which finds way to it's destination in various forms. You can hide it, but you can't destroy it. You don't know where you'll find that love and friendship. In a place where you're not expecting anything of it at all, it suddenly appears and embrace you in arms.

Lesson learnt!
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This is for all you good, kind hearted, willing volunteers who answer & respond to questions from the less knowledgeable folks so desperate for help with their tecky acquisitions:

You don't have to use your time or share your knowledge, but you do.
You don't need to be harassed if a poster disagrees with your diagnosis or suggestion for their problem or become the subject/object of a troll's mission to exact hate just because they have so much hate in themselves.

You don't have to search the web upside down, inside out for information to help people you don't even know, will never meet, or converse with again. But you do all these things because, for some reason, it's in you to offer that part of yourselves to supply the support needed by those who request it out of need.

There are 1000s of you nourishers on all manners of website forums & you probably don't think you matter at all in your intentions of good deeds, but you do matter, greatly.

I'm sorry for the loss of your friend & while I never met or knew him, I witnessed his words upon this screen. There's an old eulogy that I feel is descriptive of his passing, and while abrupt in it's delivery, it's meant in sincerity:

"Here's to ya & towards ya, if I hadn'ta seed ya, I wouldn'ta knowed ya."
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