Every girl is beautiful, sometimes it just takes the right amount of alcohol to see it.
Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda?
He was lucky it was a soft drink.
My wife said she needed some space
So I locked her outside
As I woke up on a Sunday morning, I rolled over and started to snuggle with the wife.
I nuzzled her ear and neck before pushing against her back.
"Is there something you'd like me to do for you?" she giggled.
"Yeah," I replied, "Make breakfast and bring it to me"
My mate was the fittest person I knew.
He went to the gym 7 days a week.
Entered Ironman contests, he even did back to back marathons once.
Then one day he went for a jog in the park and BANG!
He met a girl, got married and now he's fat just like the rest of us.
I'm 3.14159% sure that there is no God
It's just Pi in the sky
I got a strange text this evening from a number I didn't know.
I replied, "Who's this?"
I got a message back saying, "Your worst nightmare."
Which left me a bit baffled as she was sitting next to me and hadn't moved the whole time.
My wife is going to start line dancing tomorrow.
I've wired the washing line to the mains.
The best things in life are free
So why does whiskey cost 30 quid a bottle ?
BBC News: 'Police are investigating how a 4x4 Vauxhall Frontera vehicle ended up on a footpath close to the summit of Snowdon.'
Now I'm no detective, but I have a feeling it was probably driven there