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Root Annoying messages ZTE Zmax - how to get rid of them by editing a system file (i.e. build.prop?)


Sep 15, 2015
Hey, Folks I hope this belong to the "rooting" section, as possible answer to my question requires a rooted phone.

I got very annoying message in my rooted ZTE ZMAX (stock ...b22 ROM t-mobile)

Network with limited service found. Do you want to initiate network search?

I have manual mobile network selection enabled, and I do not want to switch to automatic, as signal is patchy, and phone will often go roaming, and then sit there for a long time (behaviour familiar to Wind Mobile Canada customers, eh? :) )

Can anyone suggest what do I have to edit in the system in order to get rid of that message.
I hope it is some configuration file like build.prop where one can change the value of a variable.

Thanks a lot in advance!
Wind Mobile user here using a Sony Xperia M4 Aqua with Android 6.0.1.
I am getting the same message constantly popping up. Often times I'm using my phone's GPS while driving out of my home network. I don't want to connect to another network under any circumstances. Literally every 10 seconds or so this message pops up and disables anything I'm doing. My phone is not rooted, and aside from this one issue I didn't plan on it. Does anyone have an idea how to get rid of this condtant pop-up? It's a hazard having to close it constantly while driving.


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Hey, Folks I hope this belong to the "rooting" section, as possible answer to my question requires a rooted phone.

I got very annoying message in my rooted ZTE ZMAX (stock ...b22 ROM t-mobile)

Network with limited service found. Do you want to initiate network search?

I have manual mobile network selection enabled, and I do not want to switch to automatic, as signal is patchy, and phone will often go roaming, and then sit there for a long time (behaviour familiar to Wind Mobile Canada customers, eh? :) )

Can anyone suggest what do I have to edit in the system in order to get rid of that message.
I hope it is some configuration file like build.prop where one can change the value of a variable.

Thanks a lot in advance!
is it an option to turn off "data while roaming"?
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