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Unlimited Tethering for ZTE Zmax Pro MetroPCS/T-Mobile

The decreased speeds I cannot explain, if I were you I would fool around with the settings more. I get full download speeds using mine. Crappy wifi cards/ routers do slow things down though. Make sure Wireless N is enabled and that your phone is near the computer. Check your laptop download speeds when on wifi to make sure that the card isn't defective or with bad drivers. I've had issues with USB wifi cards that end up having buggy drivers.

Keep DHCP on, it makes things easier without slowing anything down.

Proxy servers ONLY cover HTTP/HTTPS traffic, which 99% of what PSN uses isn't. Online multiplayer, game downloads and more will be detected. The reason you don't see the multiplayer being added is because to actually play online it only uses like what, 2-3KB/PS? You'd have to play all day just to get a few MB of hotspot usage. Hosting a VPN on your phone requires root, so you can't do that. Proxy is good for internet on Google Chrome and such.

Follow the guide again, but instead of adding a new value, just delete the one you made. Just delete "DefaultTTL" from the registry and reboot your PC. Your internet should return to normal.

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here......okay guys I'm going to go through my struggles with you all.....Okay I started off first by modifying the APN on the ZTE ZMax Pro:thumbsupdroid:. I then downloaded and paid for FoxFi I turned that on with proxy server on or off doesn't really make a difference other than if I put in the address in firefox it sorta helps with speed. I then went from using Windows 10 straight too "Linux Mint Cinnamon" a "Ubuntu linux based OS" I then set it up to share the connection straight to the netgear router that I downgraded and flashed "DD-WRT" on too it. I was told there was a setting to change the TTL on the router it's self but I don't know how to do that. I got it working fast on Linux Mint using the TTL trick and when I connect the Windows 10 PC I have here at home to it. Which I modified the TTL on that machine as well I changed it too 69 as well as my Linux PC. The Windows 10 PC runs the same speed as my Linux PC but my PS4 can't stream youtube or netflix or surf the web at all......I was told its hard to bypass the PS4 but I think it can be done if I could figure out how to actually change the TTL on the router.

Appreciate the help guys, This is also going to help anyone else who is in my shoes right now.:thinking:
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Okay I think I almost have this figured out but I'm running into a small problem.....you said it doesn't work on windows 10 well I my pc here has ubuntu could I do the very same thing you do with windows 7 with a router in Ubuntu? If so how could I go about doing that? I mean I have the connection shared to the router in Ubuntu I have the ps4 connected and yet still I get the same speeds no matter if I'm on windows 10 or ubuntu.....Btw it works on windows 10 I don't know if the router set up will work in windows 10 tho.

The command for Ubuntu is in the original post on page 1. To share internet on Ubuntu I'm not sure, but it is 100% possible and a few google searches should work for you. Please ensure that your ethernet cord is plugged into the WAN port on your router, it should be the one port that is different from the rest.

You need an older Linksys like the OP has then flash DD-WRT to it. It's replacement firmware that you can modify the IP tables and TTL on the router itself.
Check if your router is compatible / check before buying one: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices

Wrong. While DD-WRT is very nice to have, it has no bearing on making the tethering unlimited. The host PC you're using to share internet with the router is already changing the TTL value and cannot be done in reverse. If the host machine is regular TTL and you change the routers, it will still be detected because once the traffic reaches the host machine, the TTL is altered. This is why it's extremely important that you alter the defaultTTL on the host machine.

Also, check out page 1, I updated the guide to support Windows 10 for certain situations. You wont be able to game much but downloading and streaming will work.
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I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here......okay guys I'm going to go through my struggles with you all.....Okay I started off first by modifying the APN on the ZTE ZMax Pro:thumbsupdroid:. I then downloaded and paid for FoxFi I turned that on with proxy server on or off doesn't really make a difference other than if I put in the address in firefox it sorta helps with speed. I then went from using Windows 10 straight too "Linux Mint Cinnamon" a "Ubuntu linux based OS" I then set it up to share the connection straight to the netgear router that I downgraded and flashed "DD-WRT" on too it. I was told there was a setting to change the TTL on the router it's self but I don't know how to do that. I got it working fast on Linux Mint using the TTL trick and when I connect the Windows 10 PC I have here at home to it. Which I modified the TTL on that machine as well I changed it too 69 as well as my Linux PC. The Windows 10 PC runs the same speed as my Linux PC but my PS4 can't stream youtube or netflix or surf the web at all......I was told its hard to bypass the PS4 but I think it can be done if I could figure out how to actually change the TTL on the router.

Appreciate the help guys, This is also going to help anyone else who is in my shoes right now.:thinking:

With Ubuntu or Linux Mint you need to enable internet sharing over ethernet. (Google will help you do it)
Then you connect the router to your PC via ethernet. Plug the cord into the WAN port on the router, it should be the one port that is different from the rest, and plug the other end of the cord into your PC. The command to change TTL in Ubuntu is on page 1 in my original post. You must enter this command as sudo, and it must be done every time you reboot your computer. Hope this helps. There is no need to alter TTL on the router, it will not help you.
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With Ubuntu or Linux Mint you need to enable internet sharing over ethernet. (Google will help you do it)
Then you connect the router to your PC via ethernet. Plug the cord into the WAN port on the router, it should be the one port that is different from the rest, and plug the other end of the cord into your PC. The command to change TTL in Ubuntu is on page 1 in my original post. You must enter this command as sudo, and it must be done every time you reboot your computer. Hope this helps. There is no need to alter TTL on the router, it will not help you.

Thank you for your help:D, I tested ultra surf on my Linux Mint PC it seems to work. I for some reason believe if I changed the ttl on the router it could work. I think its something about the newer routers, I mean I get what you are saying I just don't understand if in Theory if your pc is sharing the connection then to a router that has the ttl value set wouldn't it just bypass only on the pc and then go back to being the original default value threw the router? I mean from what I understand you are tricking the company's by changing the Operating Systems value. Okay sooo you are saying it works on your at home consoles my setup is exactly how you put it. "FoxFi > Linux Computer > router" when I connect to the router with the windows pc it works with the default TTL value changed. If I root my tablet or smart phones and change the value on the cell phone it works but on the console it doesn't work......not even xbox or ps3.:mad:

Something to make note of on your part you are using a T-Mobile Link-sys router I believe the TTL values on that specific device values are set differently. I could be over looking into this but hey man it would be cool to figure this out.:cool:

Thank you guys so much for helping me out I've learned a lot along the way so if I can't figure this thing out its no big deal I got a lot out of this.:)
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With Ubuntu or Linux Mint you need to enable internet sharing over ethernet. (Google will help you do it)
Then you connect the router to your PC via ethernet. Plug the cord into the WAN port on the router, it should be the one port that is different from the rest, and plug the other end of the cord into your PC. The command to change TTL in Ubuntu is on page 1 in my original post. You must enter this command as sudo, and it must be done every time you reboot your computer. Hope this helps. There is no need to alter TTL on the router, it will not help you.
Don't take this offensive or anything but your wrong about not changing the TTL on the router, I just finally figured out how to do it through the command box in dd-wrt and its working like a charm now. I can stream Internet to anything now. make note of that when you update the thread.

Interesting......I tested the Internet download and upload speed on my ps4 it says its still only 100kbs.......BUT!! when I go to watch a netflix movie or hulu or youtube it works and streams perfectly fine in HD. you might have to give a second to auto check the quality but it smooths out after that. All I wanted to do was watch stuff and by spending weeks on this I finally got it working with the comfort of my ps4 and controller. :D
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Don't take this offensive or anything but your wrong about not changing the TTL on the router, I just finally figured out how to do it through the command box in dd-wrt and its working like a charm now. I can stream Internet to anything now. make note of that when you update the thread.

Interesting......I tested the Internet download and upload speed on my ps4 it says its still only 100kbs.......BUT!! when I go to watch a netflix movie or hulu or youtube it works and streams perfectly fine in HD. you might have to give a second to auto check the quality but it smooths out after that. All I wanted to do was watch stuff and by spending weeks on this I finally got it working with the comfort of my ps4 and controller. :D

Now if only I could figure out a way to download stuff on the ps4 it blocks that and for some reason I'm guessing the tweaking and modifying of what I have done only works with the HTML base stuff on the ps4. But when I trys to connect to a server to download it fails and it tests my download speed and only comes up with 100kb :p its fun trying to figure this out.

Might have something to do with the fact I have already used up all my hotspot data for this month. But I'm guessing next month if I have this setup and a new cycle on my bill and hotpot data is back It shouldn't detect it. I ended up using my data this month doing trial and error.....

I still have unlimited data on my phone I only used 50 gb of it, But my hotspot data is in the red it says I have a 9 gb of hotspot data but it stops at 8.
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They don't have firmware for my router, i need to get a different one. I've been researching the issue.
I would set your TTL higher. Try something like 89. With each device it drops off one number. As in, 89 becomes 88, becomes 87, ect with each other client device connecting to the host.

I thought you had a wnr2000v3? If so thats the same kind of router I have you can put dd-wrt on it you just have down grade the firmware. There is a link floating around somewhere with the firmware that works on the router you just can't update or use a newer version of dd-wrt. you can only stay with the recommended version do to a size limit the router has. I'll have to try setting it higher ill let you know the results but as far as things are going right now things are working pretty good.
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Honestly, TTL modifications for your router should not work because Windows will use it's own TTL value when sharing internet with the router. If you are using Ubuntu, it may be different.... Also, I switched back to my old Nexus 4 and managed to get unlimited wifi tethering from the phone without any complicated setups or VPNs... I'm getting 20 down and 16 up, it's so awesome.

But since you young lads are so insistent on using DD-WRT, it would help you guys if you changed the router to bridge mode, the reason you could be suffering reduced speeds is because of bandwidth allocation. I'm not super sure how it works or decides what amount of bandwidth each device gets, but it could be a problem. If I were you I would put the router in bridge mode.

Or better yet, switch the DD-WRT router to client mode so you can directly connect to your phone and just use the LAN ports to get the internet..... why didn't I think of that.. lol
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Honestly, TTL modifications for your router should not work because Windows will use it's own TTL value when sharing internet with the router. If you are using Ubuntu, it may be different.... Also, I switched back to my old Nexus 4 and managed to get unlimited wifi tethering from the phone without any complicated setups or VPNs... I'm getting 20 down and 16 up, it's so awesome.

But since you young lads are so insistent on using DD-WRT, it would help you guys if you changed the router to bridge mode, the reason you could be suffering reduced speeds is because of bandwidth allocation. I'm not super sure how it works or decides what amount of bandwidth each device gets, but it could be a problem. If I were you I would put the router in bridge mode.

Or better yet, switch the DD-WRT router to client mode so you can directly connect to your phone and just use the LAN ports to get the internet..... why didn't I think of that.. lol

I increased the ttl value to 89 I didn't really notice the difference too be honest....I switched the router to bridge and it disconnected me from wireless......Im not sure if it really works with my type of router. But once I did that I couldn't find the network and had to reset the router and start all over again.
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Nothing seems to work for me. I am using an LG Optimus F60 with an Unlimited Plan. I've done different TTL, VPN, bloetooth, and routers, even tried the updated "solution" (utrasurf), but nothing seems to work. The worst part is that Metro is now trhotling my data after reaching 28GB in my phone and it is detecting my phone data as if it was Hotspot.

So even if I dont hotspot, it will use my hotspot data :( Does anyone else have this problem? It happened after trying Ultrasurf. Is there something I can do to at least fix that? Thanks.
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Honestly, TTL modifications for your router should not work because Windows will use it's own TTL value when sharing internet with the router. If you are using Ubuntu, it may be different.... Also, I switched back to my old Nexus 4 and managed to get unlimited wifi tethering from the phone without any complicated setups or VPNs... I'm getting 20 down and 16 up, it's so awesome.

But since you young lads are so insistent on using DD-WRT, it would help you guys if you changed the router to bridge mode, the reason you could be suffering reduced speeds is because of bandwidth allocation. I'm not super sure how it works or decides what amount of bandwidth each device gets, but it could be a problem. If I were you I would put the router in bridge mode.

Or better yet, switch the DD-WRT router to client mode so you can directly connect to your phone and just use the LAN ports to get the internet..... why didn't I think of that.. lol

Hmmmm I wonder if you could somehow put the foxfi proxy address and port on the router? Reason I'm thinking of this is because I have it enabled on "FireFox". I took it a step further and enabled it on my whole Linux based computer so it redirects everything too the clients on my desktop through the foxfi proxy. It's noticeably faster and it doesn't seem to detect data at all when doing so. Reason I'm wondering if you could do such is because I would like to be able to enter the proxy server on other devices instead of relying solo y on the "DefaultTTL" Trick because while that helps the proxy server on FoxFi plus that pretty much bypasses everything including throttling. As far as I'm aware yes I know proxy's are only HTTP based so only stuff coded with such or whatever will only work. But if I'm streaming movies and downloading stuff with the TTL trick. Then the Proxy would help direct the traffic that's not being used aka throttled for the HTTP or HTML based content. thus you would be set up I know this is a lot to go through but hey I got free time XD.
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Proxy's ONLY do HTTP/HTTPS traffic and cannot be forced to use anything else. What you want is a SOCKS Proxy or VPN.

Honestly, just buy a Nexus 4 for like 50 dollars and use that until we have root. I have unlimited tethering from that using "Wifi Tether Router". But until we have root, we will have to resort to using TTL tricks.

Here's how the router trick works.
Host machine shares internet with the router, and all traffic that comes through the traffic is masked as if it came from the host machine meaning the TTL trick has to be applied on the host computer and not the router. The host machine connects to your phone.

If your router has DD-WRT, you could set the router to client mode and connect to your phones hotspot and apply the TTL settings to the router, then you could connect another router to that one and host a wifi network. Personally I just use a laptop with a router, but I could do it the other way too.
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Could even go with htc desire 530 or samsung galaxy On 5. Both rootable with instructions on xda website. both cheaper then the zmax pro after metropcs three month thing they have in stores. I'm likely going to do either of those two, the nexus 5 would have to be sim unlocked unless you bought it already sim unlocked, seen on amazon. other options in case zmax turns out to be totally unrootable.
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I just use a Nexus 4. The Nexus 4 has a LTE modem but you need to flash a custom modem firmware to enable it.
Cyanogenmod actually attempts to provide unlimited tethering and I've found that just simply using the FoxFi hotspot on my CM 12.1 Nexus 4, I am able to use it as much as I want.

It's also worth noting that I get around 13 hours of non-stop hotspot on a single charge from that phone, even more if I turn the hotspot off when I'm not using it.
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@anubis2048 Did you get the 10$ sim card from metropcs for the nexus?
No, I just used a SIM adapter. Zmax Pro uses a Microsim while the Nexus uses a mini sim. To activate the Nexus 4 I just called MetroPCS help number and pressed # until I got to speak to a real person and then I just told them that I was upgrading my phone and they activated the Nexus for me lol.
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They are all over the place. You can try ebay or amazon. Infact let me just link you here.
Write down the SIM number on a piece of paper and call MetroPCS and hit # until you reach a real person and then tell them that you upgraded your device. They will want your account pin and sim number, then they want the IMEI of the new device. It's free to change devices, so go ahead.
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Hello all, thanks for contributing, this thread has been most helpful.

I've succeeded in gaining unlimited hotspot to my laptop by using FoxFi and changing the DefaultTTL to hex 65 on my laptop, as suggested. So far i've only had success by using the FoxFi hotspot, and only after clicking Run Proxy in the FoxFi settings and then setting my web browser use the proxy/port that FoxFi sets it to. My speeds are the same downloading on laptop through the FoxFi hotspot as they are when im downloading something directly to my cellphone from 4g, and I just downloaded a ~700 mb file to my laptop in about 25 minutes which NO change to my recorded hotspot data usage. :D stoked

I feel like I'm halfway there.. NOW what I'd like to figure out is how to configure the settings on my torrent client of choice (utorrent or Flud) to work with the proxy FoxFi imposes. Can anyone tell me how to best configure the proxy settings of UTorrent? I'm largely ignorant in this regard; not sure whether to enter it as an HTTP proxy, a SOCKSV4, HTTPS, etc.. or what to put for te listening port. Any help would be very.. helpful :D
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Hello all, thanks for contributing, this thread has been most helpful.

I've succeeded in gaining unlimited hotspot to my laptop by using FoxFi and changing the DefaultTTL to hex 65 on my laptop, as suggested. So far i've only had success by using the FoxFi hotspot, and only after clicking Run Proxy in the FoxFi settings and then setting my web browser use the proxy/port that FoxFi sets it to. My speeds are the same downloading on laptop through the FoxFi hotspot as they are when im downloading something directly to my cellphone from 4g, and I just downloaded a ~700 mb file to my laptop in about 25 minutes which NO change to my recorded hotspot data usage. :D stoked

I feel like I'm halfway there.. NOW what I'd like to figure out is how to configure the settings on my torrent client of choice (utorrent or Flud) to work with the proxy FoxFi imposes. Can anyone tell me how to best configure the proxy settings of UTorrent? I'm largely ignorant in this regard; not sure whether to enter it as an HTTP proxy, a SOCKSV4, HTTPS, etc.. or what to put for te listening port. Any help would be very.. helpful :D

The DefaultTTL mod + FoxFi is sufficient enough for everything except YouTube. You need a proxy for that.
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Well the FoxFi/DefaultTTL combo only works for me when I click "Run Proxy" within FoxFi and then configure my web browser to the proxy selected by FoxFi.. this isn't a problem, it's just that I'm unsure how to configure uTorrent to the same proxy, and can't get it to download anything. I suppose looking for uTorrent specific help would be a better bet, thanks
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Well the FoxFi/DefaultTTL combo only works for me when I click "Run Proxy" within FoxFi and then configure my web browser to the proxy selected by FoxFi.. this isn't a problem, it's just that I'm unsure how to configure uTorrent to the same proxy, and can't get it to download anything. I suppose looking for uTorrent specific help would be a better bet, thanks

If you are using Wifi mode on FoxFi and you have the DefaultTTL mod on your PC, there is no reason why torrenting shouldn't work. I use Tixati to torrent and I have not had a single issue.

FoxFi USB mode I don't know.

I don't know what you mean by Proxy, FoxFi doesn't have one.
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I won't lie. I've considered getting the Stylo 2 just for the root option to use the wifirouter app, but keep the zmax pro until a root is found and confirmed working, then swap over to the zmax as it's the better option between that and stylo 2.
I have a stylo 2 ls775 zv6 and i havent seen, heard, or found a root thats actually working without bricking the phone.
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