have a link for that teardown tommy?
I can't have a phone that does not have a removable battery, no matter how big or long lasting it may be. Which is why the HTC device was out of my list of devices back then.
And that brings me to this..
I see quite a few phones that will have more radios for much better world coverage. (Like dual sims). as well as longer battery life, and wireless charging.
but the one thing I would love to see is just make the system allow apps to go on the sdcard without having to hack the damn thing to death to do that. Or at the very least allow the option on a stock phone to swap the internal with the external memory. This way manufacturers don't have to make so many different versions of a device (16, 32, 64 etc) and just make one and let the buyer get the extra amount they need or want.
With Motorola, I lost favor with them, but they may win me back if google does do what drex says, but for now, Samsung is my brand.
So any idea what the last LTE device would be for Sprint. We still have Nov and Dec and that is alot of time just for one last device. I figure maybe two more.