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Root Anyone Here Own A Kindle Fire?


Android Enthusiast
Aug 15, 2011
I know this a triumph forum, but you guys have been a big help to me so I hope it's ok if I post here on a different device.

So, I just bought a kindle fire and I was looking for some guidance on getting CM& running on it and thought maybe someone here also had a KF.
I know this a triumph forum, but you guys have been a big help to me so I hope it's ok if I post here on a different device.

So, I just bought a kindle fire and I was looking for some guidance on getting CM& running on it and thought maybe someone here also had a KF.

Talk to gannon5197 about it. He can help you out since he has a kindle fire and has done stuff like that.
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I just bought one too. I will probably keep it stock for a bit since the amazon prime streaming stuff doesn't work for it if you are rooted. But I am still trying to decide.
There is a KF section here at AF as well. I know some other folks around here (AF) that you can ask for some sound advice as well if needed.
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Just purchased one? Even though Google is rumored to release the Nexus Tablet by Asus in less than 2 months, at the same price, or $50 cheaper? Either you like Amazon, couldn't wait, or didn't know what you were doing. I'm patiently waiting for my Dual-Core Snapdragon Nexus Tablet. Not only do I get ICS, Google Software Support, Android Market, and a device made by Asus, but there's a possibility I'll get to enjoy new Android features with Googles first tablet. I say bad move for anyone that forks out money to buy a Kindle Fire for any reason other than them actually preferring it over a Google Tablet, made by Asus.
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Just purchased one? Even though Google is rumored to release the Nexus Tablet by Asus in less than 2 months, at the same price, or $50 cheaper? Either you like Amazon, couldn't wait, or didn't know what you were doing. I'm patiently waiting for my Dual-Core Snapdragon Nexus Tablet. Not only do I get ICS, Google Software Support, Android Market, and a device made by Asus, but there's a possibility I'll get to enjoy new Android features with Googles first tablet. I say bad move for anyone that forks out money to buy a Kindle Fire for any reason other than them actually preferring it over a Google Tablet, made by Asus.

Well, let me give you my thoughts...
The rumors I have seen say $199-250 price range. I got the Kindle Fire for $139, that is $60-110 less than the google tablet rumors. The Google tablet is definitely not $50 cheaper than what I paid.

The specs for the Asus tablet are all rumors and other than 7" and presumably ICS I haven't seen anything definite about the rest. They do seem to settle on dual-core 1ghz but some say snapdragon others TI OMAP and the KF has 1ghz dual-core TI OMAP in it. The KF has a very active development community and I presume the Asus tablet will as well.

Another thing is I plan on using it more as an e-reader than a tablet, so I would go with Kindle over Google there. But if I want to make it more of a true tablet I have that option. Also I don't have to wait, the google tablet release date rumors vary wildly, anywhere from early summer to late fall. I have been thinking about this since late last fall.

I know plenty of folks with a Kindle Fire and they are more than happy with it. I like the Amazon Prime streaming (doubt that will be on the google tablet, although I am sure netflix probably will work with it, but netflix doesn't include ebooks) that the KF has as well.

Please do not jump to conclusions about my (or anyone elses) choices using your personal reasoning.
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Well I haven't heard anything about that, but no need to get high and mighty about it.

It was 130 bucks and its dual core as well. So it's not too shabby. That google nexus thingy sounds pretty sweet too though.

I checked out the root forum here for the KF but it seemed a bit dead.

I've started going through all the xda stuff but it's not terribly well organized.

Oh well, I have a few days to sort through it all....

I already have amazon prime so that is definitely a plus, but theres no way to access the amazon prime streaming once you've replaced the rom? That's a bummer, I was hoping it was an app or something you could transfer. Shrug, whatever I have netflix as well.

Thanks for the input everyone.
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I already have amazon prime so that is definitely a plus, but theres no way to access the amazon prime streaming once you've replaced the rom? That's a bummer, I was hoping it was an app or something you could transfer. Shrug, whatever I have netflix as well.

I believe it cannot be rooted in order to be able to access prime streaming. Although there may be ways around that as long as you have the stock ROM.
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So can anyone link me to some info about this magical google nexus tablet that will apparently in two months make me look a flaming moron?

Edit: Nvm, found it. Wonder how I missed hearing about this.

Don't worry, two months isn't definite by any means and like I stated before nothing very official has been said about it. So I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that you are a "flaming moron". People can make their own choices on what they want to spend their money on.
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Just purchased one? Even though Google is rumored to release the Nexus Tablet by Asus in less than 2 months...

Rumored being the key word though. The rumored release date for the Galaxy Nexus (pictured above) changed so many times, by the time it actually released, we had constructed the longest thread in the history of Android Forums. Literally. My point is, you never know until there's an official announcement so maybe a purchase at this time will be considered not such a bad idea in hindsight.
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I got a Kindle around Christmas and kept the Stock Rom for a few weeks and then moved to CM7. The thing is too sweet and handles games like GTAIII Deadspace & Shadowgun like a champ. Also nice to see desktop versions of web pages. It has become much easier to MOD these days as compared to the begging, everything required learning ADB & Fastboot. If you’re looking for a nice Media based Tablet it does the Trick considering the hardware is sold at a loss of a few dollars. Compared with other manufacturers whose only source of revenue in bringing a Tablet to market is profiting on hardware sales. No other Manufacturer outside of Apple is in the same position and with 3 higher end devices coming. With that said I thought the Stock Rom was as about as desirable as the Triumph's. I do like the Amazon services though and was able to port must including Silk & the Keyboard and what not into CM7. Otherwise I have no complaints. Sure its missing things like camera and gps but I can do those things on my phone and would rather not pay a few hundred extra bucks so I can use my Tablet as a camera or some other feature I would most likely not use much less care to pay for. Or a second data plan now that I think about it.
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Well, let me give you my thoughts...
The rumors I have seen say $199-250 price range. I got the Kindle Fire for $139, that is $60-110 less than the google tablet rumors. The Google tablet is definitely not $50 cheaper than what I paid.

The specs for the Asus tablet are all rumors and other than 7" and presumably ICS I haven't seen anything definite about the rest. They do seem to settle on dual-core 1ghz but some say snapdragon others TI OMAP and the KF has 1ghz dual-core TI OMAP in it. The KF has a very active development community and I presume the Asus tablet will as well.

Another thing is I plan on using it more as an e-reader than a tablet, so I would go with Kindle over Google there. But if I want to make it more of a true tablet I have that option. Also I don't have to wait, the google tablet release date rumors vary wildly, anywhere from early summer to late fall. I have been thinking about this since late last fall.

I know plenty of folks with a Kindle Fire and they are more than happy with it. I like the Amazon Prime streaming (doubt that will be on the google tablet, although I am sure netflix probably will work with it, but netflix doesn't include ebooks) that the KF has as well.

Please do not jump to conclusions about my (or anyone elses) choices using your personal reasoning.

I've followed all rumors on the Nexus Tablet provided by Phandroid over the past few months. I see you must have only read "Slash Gear's" rumors. The price range has been rumored at $150-$200, after pulling out the Tegra 3 processor that ASUS was going to make available with the Memo 370T, to make the device more affordable. And in your case you happened to have gotten a deal on your Kindle Fire.

I assure you, Google does, and will not want to release a device that is anything that touches only "a little better" than a Kindle (the main device they're trying to compete with). And the rumors go as far as saying that they will keep the Memo 370T, change the processor, and just brand it Nexus Tablet, which I think ASUS will most likely do.

A Google Tablet would not be much less of an e-reader than the Kindle Fire. I would assume there would only be a few extra e-book friendly features, that's including an interface that's made specifically to benefit the e-reading experience, on the Kindle Fire. There wont be major "I wanna kill myself for not getting a Kindle" moments while e-reading on the Nexus Tablet.

To be honest, I've never heard any fall rumors for the Nexus Tablet in all the months I've followed it, I have no idea where you've gotten that at. I've only read as far as a summer release, with most of them standing at a May release.

Regarding Amazon Prime, I'm pretty sure that wont be available, and that will be a big downside. I trust Google enough to believe that once they release TV Shows, Magazines, and the like, they will offer a service to match Amazon Prime, but I'm just assuming.

And about me jumping to conclusions, in your case, you personally preferred the Kindle Fire because it would fit your needs as an e-reader, and from what you said about Amazon Prime, I'm pretty sure that drew you in as well. So I'm guessing you like Amazon, Kindles, and their services. If you look again, I mentioned that. Nothing I said was based off of personal reasoning, it all fits into common sense, and what is a better deal overall, that is of course based off where the rumors stand, at the moment, with the Nexus Tablet. If the rumors so happened to be way off, which I doubt, then you simply would have a better device, and I would be wrong and without either of the two at that moment. Simple as that.
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Rumored being the key word though. The rumored release date for the Galaxy Nexus (pictured above) changed so many times, by the time it actually released, we had constructed the longest thread in the history of Android Forums. Literally. My point is, you never know until there's an official announcement so maybe a purchase at this time will be considered not such a bad idea in hindsight.

You're right, but I'd say most people would rather be safe than sorry later on. Yeah you can always sell the Kindle Fire and it wouldn't be much of a big deal, but some would rather do without the hassle, like me.
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Well, even if the asus tablet is released in 2 months for $199, that doesn't make buying a reliable and affordable Kindle Fire now a bad decision. It will still be a decent tablet in 2 months.

I will also warrant a guess that something better than the asus tablet will be out not terribly long after it's release (within 6 months or so). That's the way technology works and it doesn't make the older device bad, nor does it mean people made bad decisions to buy it. Unless they are unhappy with the device itself.

No need to put someone's decision down because you're excited for something else. Especially when it is all rumors at this point (even fairly reliable ones) stuff changes with that sort of thing all the time, especially release dates.
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Alright sorry I'm late. Lol. Yes, I've done multiple things to my KF and have made my own personal CNA and AOKP builds for it. I'll be glad to help you with anything you need help with

Thanks for stopping by, I don't really want to bother you unnecessarily, but if there is any good reading material or downloads or tips or anything, I'd love to hear it.

Lol.....what is a cna or an aokp? :rolleyes:

Oh and for the rumor mill:

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