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Anyone regretting the X now with the new crop of phones arriving?

I dont regret my X, but if I had my way I would buy the newest and greatest when even they come out. Im just like that.

Yeah, I know... but I came from a Windows Mobile device. I'm still pulling for that platform especially after all the bashing WM took in the gadget blogs when in many ways it was superior to most other mobile OS's it was being compared against (at the time).

At least I didn't mention the cdma iphone...
I still think the DX is the best thing going for all the reasons mentioned previously. Perhaps sometime next year when the Droid XOMG comes out with a 2Ghz dual-core processor, LTE and a 4.3"+ screen with resolution bumped to 1020 x 768, I'll think about an upgrade:D

The "new crop" of phones coming out are nowhere near that much of an improvement to make me even think of switching. AND...I'm recharging my DX on average every 2-3 days with moderate use on the stock battery - can't beat the battery life, which works well with my hectic travel schedule.
if you go by the OP's perspective.. you'll never be happy, cause every few months a new, better phone will be released and depress you with your aged technology.


One can always go the Blackberry or iPhone rout, where, for the most part, significant advances are few and far between (especially Blackberry).
The X has the best hardware(IMO I know some would say the amoled screen is better on the fascinate, but the colors look fake to me) the best signal quality, the best reception, the latest OS, on the best network, and nothing coming out in the near future (next couple of months) is expected to improve greatly on what the X has. I'd say I made a pretty good decision.
I like the DX just as much as when I got it. I bought it because it did what I was wanting in a device not because I could say it's the most advanced phone there is. The new phones look great and everything but that doesn't mean the DX isn't still a great phone as well.

I plan to keep it until LTE gets to where I live which I assume will be a little while.

And let's be reality... if you have the DX it's still better than probably 95% of other peoples phones and will be for a long time.
I waited a long time to get the X, and weighed the possibility of LTE or something better/faster...but when push came to shove --the X does everything I need right now and for the foreseeable future. I'm happy with it and wouldn't turn it in for any of the newer phones already announced.
Assuming the Incredible HD is real I am getting that when it comes out. I still like the X and will almost definitely keep it and use it some of the time but the locked bootloader is really annoying. That and I have 2 upgrades available to me right now so its not a big deal for me.
agreed OMJ. I will most def grab one when it comes out just to tinker with it. I can do most everything I want with my X but it will be freeing to be able to have roms ported from some of the best in the biz again.

edit: and thats not to discount any of the work our X devs do. I'm very grateful for what we have and considering how locked down it is, the fact that we can do as much as we can is nothing short of amazing.
These new phones aren't much better than the X, if at all. The most significant upgrades will be a front facing camera, dual core processor, and 4G network. Phones like this aren't supposed to launch until Q1/2 of next year. Which gives your phone a pretty long shelf life. I'm cool with that!
Assuming the Incredible HD is real I am getting that when it comes out. I still like the X and will almost definitely keep it and use it some of the time but the locked bootloader is really annoying. That and I have 2 upgrades available to me right now so its not a big deal for me.

When I do upgrade to an LTE phone I am keeping my X also. Cache slacker over wifi, and buy navigon, then have a great navigation device with slacker radio to leave in my car :D
At least I didn't mention the cdma iphone...

I know, was just teasing. I used to have a Motorola Q and loved it at first but after about a year, the quirks made me crazy. It's surreal after having used WinMo and Blackberries for years, but the Android OS is the first one that has really pleased me the most and met most of needs from a 'smartphone'.
What everyone else said...lol

Yea I'm in a early LTE city, yea dual core cpu's are coming, yea the Tegra 2 should have the best gpu when it comes out..but...to be honest...if I dont get the same or better reception from any newer phone....the X might be with me for a long time...

Let me take that back...lol. I will take it having the reception of the Droid 1 too if it isnt as good or better than the X. It cant have worse reception than the Droid 1 tho...that would be a deal breaker.

No phone out now is enough of a jump to me. Its funny, alot of ppl feel that way about the Droid 1 vs. whats out now.
I'm the kind of person who feels a lot of buyer's remorse especially in the technology world. But I can honestly say that all those new phones coming out don't tempt me away from my X. It is my first smartphone so I dont have a lot of experience with other phones nor do I have anything to compare it to. But I'm just not impressed with the new phones. Any new phone I buy must meet all the specs of the X, and it absolutely will have to have a 4"+ screen. I think I will be happy at least until my 2 year contract is up.
Wow, where the hell have all the haters gone? Come on this is your thread, jump in with both feet and slam away already... what the heck is stopping you people???

plus the original Incredible has returned... (S2)

Ummm... why is this even mentioned? Did the Inc disappear at some point? Like some tv sitcom placed on hiatus while the cast is being 'retooled'??? If so I hadn't noticed. But that's beside the point, we all had the opportunity to get the Dinc when we got our X's, and it obviously didn't sway us then, so why would we suddenly hate ourselves for not having it now?

As for the bumper crop of phones coming up, the only one that piques my interest is the 'Defy'. I'm really happy to see them using Gorilla Glass and making the phone element resistant. It's about time they start coming out with durable phones that don't look the part (you know, like those big, honking yellow and black rubber phones you'd expect to see someone in the Coast Guard carrying). But a nice, classy looking phone that, if it slips out of your hand and into a puddle on accident, doesn't automatically turn itself into a paper weight.

So, while I'm no where near ready to abandon ship right now, I look forward to the 4.3 inch version of the Defy next spring/summer. THAT I would consider trading for.
I'm on a one year replacement cycle so bring them on. Ask yourself, what was the best phone 2 years ago? The Iphone 3G and the htc touch pro? These are crappy phones compared to the DX and in 2 years the DX will share the same fate.
I'm on a one year replacement cycle so bring them on. Ask yourself, what was the best phone 2 years ago? The Iphone 3G and the htc touch pro? These are crappy phones compared to the DX and in 2 years the DX will share the same fate.

I don't think anyone here is delusional enough to think in the summer of 2012 when their contract is up they're going to pass and just keep on truckin with their DX. But 4 months is hardly the time to start panicking that your phone is outdated.

I used to think I'd hate to be a Sport bike designer. Because for all the hard work and effort those guys pour into those bikes to make them top notch performers, packed with ridiculous amounts of technology and able to do astounding feats... two years after it's released they are replaced by an all new, from the ground up version, and suddenly everyone considers the old model slow, clumbsy, and technologically primative. That would drive me mad.

But as fast as that industry turns over, the cell phone industry is light years faster than that even. Gosh I'd hate to have been one of the guys who spent endless hours trying to make the Nexus 1, Incredible, EVO, Droid X or any of the smartphones that came out this summer, as awesome as every one of these devices are in their own right. Only to see kids on the forums a few months later saying, "man I can't wait to upgrade from this POS to something that can do more"... I think I'd go insane.

The ability to please society is getting ever increasingly more difficult with every stride forward we make. I'm really floored at just how amazing these tiny little things really are, all the things they can do, and the posibilities are even more endless with the apps available off of the market... and yet people (and I fully include myself in this scenario, so don't think I'm balking at society, I'm equally at fault for doing this) walk into a showroom floor, pick one up and play with it for 15 seconds, put it back down and say, "man that thing is a piece of crap". Just think if Marty had a Droid X to take back with him in that DeLorean... who cares if he couldn't get a signal, they still would have thought he was Jesus!

Talk about an easily jaded generation. Man it's no wonder the divorce rate is climbing higher and higher in this day and age. Think about your grandfather for a second... he got a baseball glove when he was 13 years old, and that was the only thing he played with until he graduated from college and started a family. Of course he stayed with grandma his whole life, he didn't have 'upgrade' engraved into his brain.

How on earth are our kids supposed to stick with the same guy/gal for 60 years when their insanely awesome cell phone can't keep them content for 6 months?
If I sat around waiting for the latest and greatest phone to come out I'd still be talking on a motor T720. The DX is the only phone I ever waited for. I'm the kind of guy who comes into the store and buys whatever I find. I love this phone and when its time to upgrade I hope they have something as sleek and smooth as the Droidx.
I've regretted the DX for the past 2 months, has nothing to do with new phones coming out. I'll be most happy when Verizon gets the iPhone, then you have the best Network matched with the best phone.
Nope, I'm happy with my X. I haven't seen anything crop up that I'd even consider giving it up for.

WOW! You're reading my mind. Although any 2Ghz, LTE Android phone on Verizon after May 16th, 2011 (upgrade date) may tempt me. But I'm not looking till something like that comes along.
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