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[App] BattMonX (Droid X Battery State Monitor via LED Indicator)

Thank you Steven, you are too kind!

I'm researching how to separate the Android-generated red-balloon/blob that contains the current percent charged setting with something better.

On my Eris running a CM version of GingerBread, the red-balloon covers almost all of the battery icon...but I thought this was because of the smaller screen size on the Eris...must be GB-related?

I'll report back when I've found a palatable solution.


P.S. Oh, yeah: go Bulldogs! :D

Well, in GB, the ball is aqua and quite tiny. It was red and bigger on .340. I hope this helps.
I am finding that the led indicator is turning off for some time after I get a notification. Oh, and I hate that the X has very limited led colors. No amber and each color only actually has 3 settings (off, low, and high). Also, I know that I'm asking a lot, but, can you make it so you can alter the color of the "percent left" next to the battery indicator in the status bar?
I am finding that the led indicator is turning off for some time after I get a notification. Oh, and I hate that the X has very limited led colors. No amber and each color only actually has 3 settings (off, low, and high). Also, I know that I'm asking a lot, but, can you make it so you can alter the color of the "percent left" next to the battery indicator in the status bar?


Yeah, the app will "step-aside" when an SMS/text comes in for one monitoring cycle. This is most useful when you are using the "normal" (non-root) mode where "LED is always on" is not enabled (i.e., when the LED notification API is used instead of direct writes to the brightness files).

Also, when you clear the notifications (from the status bar notification pull-down shade), the app won't update (while in "Use Battery Intents" mode) until the battery %charged changes at least 1% (or the phone is plugged or un-plugged--I think...its really whatever will trigger another system broadcast of the battery_changed intent). I am working on trying to "fix" this (compensate is really a better word for it ;)) by monitoring for when the notifications are cleared and forcing an update of the status bar and the LED, but I've got some research to do re. this :).

I'm looking into options for changing the status bar icon so that the red blob/balloon (or whatever color it shows for you ;)) can be replaced with a whole new set of icons. Its really just a matter of me building a customized set with 1-100% charged values in it--but my graphics resource (my daughter Rachael :D) is away and busy at school. I'm going to talk with her tonight to get some Photoshop tips or at least some guidance that will help me with gimp.

Still looking for ways to improve this app...I appreciate all of the comments and suggestions and I'll try my best.

awesome! Im not too bad with photoshop myself, let me know the dimentions and I will get to work!

lol...25x25 pixels :D I'd be happy to include or use other designs...the one I came up with originally was just my first cut at it.

I've been meaning to learn gimp and played with it a little last night. I just texted my daughter to ask her for some Q&D tips for how best to quickly add a lightning bolt (to indicate charging) and a number to each icon so I can bypass the red number blob/balloon that Android generates for me. This will mean that I'll have to support a ton of tiny icon files, lol, but its very straightforward.

Just noticed your donate was up, so happily donated. I've been to busy messing with Gingerbread to notice much of anything, just ask my wife. LOL. Thanks again, nice work.
Happy to report that the app works well under GB. At least the way I have it set up it does! :D

Now, I just have to go find the "Donate" version......
Happy to report that the app works well under GB. At least the way I have it set up it does! :D

Now, I just have to go find the "Donate" version......

lol, thank you very much old.blue :).

I've got a new version that I've been testing that has several new minor fixes and features. I probably would have released it this weekend, but taxes and having to work in the wee hours of last night put a serious crimp in my Android dev time :(. Some of the things coming-up:

1. re-post the LED notification when/if the "clear notification button is pressed on the status bar pull-down

2. make some special icons with larger percent-charged values to replace the Android-generated "little red blob" that is seemingly smaller in GB

3. many minor fixes that I've found while working on and reviewing the code in the past few weeks (thanks to Steven and my son, Stefan, for their beta-testing efforts)

Also, I think I'm going to have to lose the bat symbol on my icon...I had submitted my app to the Amazon app store and they rejected it because of this :eek: (I had my daughter add that as a lark when I first started working on the app and never thought about copyright issues; oh well, easy fix).

Look for an updated version (hopefully) soon!

No bat? :( Did they give a reason?

lol...it was a generic form email that said I needed to prove I had copyright ownership. I really hadn't given too much thought about this other than making fun and a tie-in to the app name. I like the logo, of course (the dark knight rules), but I don't want to be in violation of anything.

I think its actually good that the Amazon app store is doing these deeper kinds of checks and testing. Maybe this will set a better example for the Android app market.

lol...it was a generic form email that said I needed to prove I had copyright ownership. I really hadn't given too much thought about this other than making fun and a tie-in to the app name. I like the logo, of course (the dark knight rules), but I don't want to be in violation of anything.

I think its actually good that the Amazon app store is doing these deeper kinds of checks and testing. Maybe this will set a better example for the Android app market.


Got it.

BTW, the new app's doing great. I like it. Works fine on GB.
Got it.

BTW, the new app's doing great. I like it. Works fine on GB.


Got my taxes (finally) done, so now I hope to have a little more time to play ;).


edit: I've also re-sized the percent charged number in the status bar icon like you wanted. Should be a little sharper and won't cover the battery icon so much. I'll send you the new .apk tonight.

Got my taxes (finally) done, so now I hope to have a little more time to play ;).


edit: I've also re-sized the percent charged number in the status bar icon like you wanted. Should be a little sharper and won't cover the battery icon so much. I'll send you the new .apk tonight.

Ok.. ty. Congrats on the taxes. (mine were done first thing in February. :p)
BattMonX v2.6 just published to the Market...quite a few changes this time around.

Thanks to both Steven and my son, Stefan, for helping me test this version over the last month. Cheers!

Here's the change log:

Version 2.6 - 1-May-2011:

- thanks to all who have donated or purchased the donate version (very much appreciated!)

- re-post LED notification when clear notifications button is pressed

- support special (green only) status bar icons with large number format percent charged values

- add support for time-based suspend schedules

- support status bar icons with lightning bolt charging indicator

- support option to toggle display of percent charged value in status bar icon

- support special large low-battery mode for batteries that don't calibrate well

- fixed issue w/noticing plugged vs. un-plugged re. display of lightning bolt in status bar icon

- revise / update application icon (sorry, had to remove the bat logo)

- make pop-up dialogs cancelable via back button
Not showing up for me in the market. any ideas?

I don't know... I always un-install my test versions and re-install from the Market after I publish a new version just to make sure all is okay.

I can tell you that something funny is going on in the Market though, at least for my developer stats: when I refreshed my developer console last night, all of my install stats for both of my apps were cut exactly in half :eek:. Not cool at all...

Have you tried force stopping your Market app and perhaps clearing its cache? Hopefully, its not a GB thing.

Let me know...

A search shows the donate version (with the batman-style symbol) at version 2.5 and the other, the non-donate version at 2.6. Did the donate version get updated?
A search shows the donate version (with the batman-style symbol) version 2.5 and the other version at 2.6.

Aha...now, I understand... Its my bad...

Yeah, the 2.5 (w/bat logo) donate version will be updated in a just a few...apologies if that's the version you guys were talking about.

I have to totally rebuild the donate version each time since I have to use a wholly-different package name (sa.battmonx.donate vs. sa.battmonx) and there's lots of references to the package name in the app. So, I always build the base version and then make sure there's no conflicts in the donate version. I ran the donate version in parallel last night with no issues (I had problems the last time, but I'm getting better at the rebuild process).

New version will be up in just a few minutes... Apologies again.
Okay, new donate version updated :o...sorry for the delay.

I finished rebuilding the donate version last night (this morning) at 1:00 AM and didn't feel comfortable publishing it without being around in case there was an issue.

I still have to update the images, but the .apk is the new 2.6 version.

You guys rock...thanks for hanging in there with me :).

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