I would like to use GrooveIP on my Android phone, but...
I already have a Obi110 that I use with classic POTS phones in our home to provide transparent phone calls via an existing Google Voice account.
I wanted to try GrooveIP without purchase or a reasonable return privilege, because I understand that GrooveIP and the OBi110 I already have will compete for a single Google Chat login on the Google Voice account making both systems unreliable.
I've searched around the net and cannot confirm if this is true or false. It is in these situations that I long for the Android Markets previous 24 hour return policy for paid apps. The current 15 minute one does not provide enough time to check this issue properly.
So can anyone who is actively both using an OBi110 (or OBi100) device AND is also using GrooveIP with Google Voice confirm that both work and play well together?
Thank you in advance.
You'll be able to make outgoing calls from both. But incoming calls will only go to one. Most likely the incoming calls will go to GrooVe IP if the app is signed in. We refund purchases if someone contacts us with an issue within 24hrs, so don't have to worry about the 15 min android market policy.