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Auto-"correcting" a url copy & paste? Reeallly?

Arrrgh! I tried to c&p a youtube link from an email into a new email I was composing. But my parents (fogies) wrote back to me that the link was broken. So I retried; same problem. Then I tried to paste into the browser, and that wouldn't go either--keep in mind that the link works fine in the original email.

Finally, I realize that My Little Black Nemesis is auto-correcting the URL everytime I paste it... it puts spaces after question marks. Example (posting from Droid):

http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=lmnUx_wNqRE

I mean, you won't even notice it's there unless you see the broken hyperlink text. Grumble grumble grumble grumble. Not to mention that copying text from emails with any degree of precision takes a miracle in the first place. (And there are like 17 unique procedures to select & copy, depending on what core program you're using (gmail/browser/contacts/whatever) and what sort of text field you've got.)

At this rate, the OTA update had better include a two-year supply of xanax. My BB Storm was awwwwful... but when I wanted to perform everyday tasks, it didn't set up roadblocks.
Do I hold shift and try to drag my finger across my text? Do I hit the menu button and look for a copy option? Do I have to slide up the keyboard? If I do, do I use menu + e or just shift? Or maybe I'm just supposed to be doing a long hold on the touchscreen. Oh hell, I tried the menu + e thing in an email because it just worked on a webpage, but now menu + e just removed all the tags from my email and took it out of my inbox so it's no longer viewable on my device and if I go to gmail on my laptop I can only find the message by running a search. My god, I just wanted to copy an invoice number from an email!!!!!
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