These Developer's, are wringing all that is good and possible out of the basic kernal that our server/providers go out of their way to ham-string and hobble.
That's why I'm here, probably most of us are fed up with that corporate practice, of putting a straight jacket on an otherwise fine carefully engineered device, whose creators envisioned so much more for.
When their corporate practice of trying to "control" a phones potential, and squeeze every penny out of consumers pockets get (as they are) overbearing, developer's say that's enough!
And then they work tirelessly, for the good of the many, at the expense of themselves, their time, their lifestyle, their relationship's, hurrying to work and back from work, to build tweak and refine, then launch and answer questions and calm fears all without access to the problem someone else encounters.
Every time there's a new role out, there's hick-ups and stumbles, and they virtually all get handled, somehow.
I marvel at this whole process of cooperation and am grateful for (almost) all of it.
"Don't like the panic state's I fly into when I think I broke my phone"