Hey thanks sadielynn! Is statusbar transparency mod still relevent with 12/16/11 build, or not needed? Also, is theme reverter something you have to flash every time you wanted to revert to stock or you can choose from theme chooser any time after flashing only once?
Status bar mod shouldn't be necessary with the newest build, transparency should be built in.
The reverter is for when you use a flashable theme and decide you want to go back to stock. You can use a theme Chooser theme over a flashed theme if you want, or you can flash one theme over another if you want. However, if you flash a theme and then use theme Chooser over it, if there are elements that were themed by your flashable theme but not by your theme Chooser theme they will 'bleed through' (say for example your battery icon is themed with a flashable theme, but not by the theme Chooser theme, you will see the flashed themes battery icon) hope that made sense.
*please note that there is no reverter for the most recent build* if can't make one right now, so if anyone else wants to step in and make one, it's super easy
Also, you can switch theme Chooser themes one after another, back and forth, whatever without doing anything special. I change mine a couple times a day sometimes
Edit: yeah, I have no idea why my autocorrect feels 'chooser' should be capitalized. WTF, it didn't capitalize it just now...I give up...