=Luceat Lux Vestra=
I just hope civil debates are still welcome here.....
The more a member leans in the direction of actually challenging a staffer here, the more likely that will be seen as infraction territory the member is heading toward, is what I surmise from my experiences here; I've received two now, one for insinuating that a fellow member was using more than one user name ("smells like a duplicate membership" or some such wording by me in the thread) and one for calling a staffer on his bragging about vandalizing Verizon property by installing leaks on the phones in the store.
In the thread wherein I challenged the staffer on that, I took the trouble to point out that he was not fit to be a leader here because of his bad influence on members, particularly on younger readers in the forums.
That was seen as a gross insult to the staffer, and I was put on probation.
Don't feel badly about the system here, Iowa, they are trying their best to do two things, as I see it: 1. keep members from considering the place some sort of free-wheeling boxing ring where they can just come in and say anything they want to say no matter how insulting it is to members and staffers, and 2. keep an air of "controlled environment" here so that viewers of the threads who have not joined yet will get the impression that the place is actually run by somebody and not subject to become what is mentioned in #1.
It is not easy at all doing those things in an online forum. It is easy for us to criticize them, and I certainly think they're way, WAY off base here at times in the ways they handle people, the rules and themselves. But, hey, they're trying. Some places don't even do that, they don't try.