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Help Battery drain on new firmware 3.2.1

The strangest thing happened: I was going on a trip for a week so charged my TF to 100% with its Dock connected (so both TF + Dock charged to 100%). Then disconnected TF and powered it off and left it on my desk (I wanted it to be fully charged to use it once I returned).

Once I came back from my trip, and powered it back on, it warned me that I only had 4% battery power left!!! How is that even possible, the TF was Off this entire time??? Did the Dock Keyboard stay on, and acted like a "power vampire", even when the TF was turned off? :thinking:

(The only thing it was connected to was the Dock Keyboard)

For whatever silly reason if you turn the tablet off and put it on the dock, it can easily drain 10-20% of the keyboard dock overnight.

When I'm storing mine (even overnight) I leave it out of the keyboard.
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Having read this thread I kept postponing the instal of the latest update. After reading the very latest comments about the problem being fixed I took the plunge last night. Charged it and left it over night. Went from 99% to 97% over a period of 8 hours. Was in deep sleep 85% of the time according to cpuspy. That sounds not three bad to me :)

Haven't tried it with the dock yet. Just connected them and will check the battery level later.
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I, too, can assure you it is not working. Wo doing anything, I can leave my iPad on the shelf (easy to do since it can't do too much, really) and use it weeks later wo charging it.

But with the TF, no matter what I do, the TF will be dead in a couple of days! This includes taking it off the keyboard (what?), using juice defender, wifi off settings, and holding three buttons down wbile plugging or unplugging and chanting to "he who will not be named."

I love the TF, but the battery system is currently screwed up... still! And where is lcs?
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I had no issues with battery drain after the October and November updates. After the last update at Christmas my WiFi stays on constantly. If I select WiFi off with screen it just reverts to Never when I exit settings. I even tried a WiFi switch wiget and would turn it off before putting the screen to sleep, but it would come back on sometimes.

WiFi is always 75 to 80% of battery.

I'm going to try jerarts Airplane app suggestion until there's a fix or we get ICS.
Update: Didn't work.

Note: I do not own the dock, so it's not a dock related issue.

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