Agreed 100%. A hard reset did fix the problem initially, but I tested the uptime/awake time issue without installing any new apps (stock) and installing new apps and here are my findings for my phone. Autosyncing and backgrouond data off in both situations as well.
The phone was great immediately after the hard reset in both situations. I got about 30 hours of life before I decided to charge it. I still had 15% battery life at this point.
After charging, I restarted the phone (both with new apps and without installing any apps) and the same thing happened.... awake time = up time no matter what. I couldn't trace it to any single app as I added a bunch of them one at a time and checked the uptime/awake ratio. Also, after rebooting the phone without installing any apps, it did the same thing where awake time = uptime.
CDMA trick did not work in either situation, nor did uninstalling the Facebook update.